Chapter two Basic theory of TCM
How is the initiation of TCM? From practice and experience A long history Huangdi Neijing (Huangdi’s Classic of Internal Medicine) The book summarizes the therapeutic experiences and medical theories of that time period. One of the classical books
The celebrated ancient Chinese doctors Hua Tuo Late Eastern Han Dynasty Mafei San His prescriptions were astonishingly effective. He had prescribed different medicines to treat the same illness. Causes of illness roots internally,so the purgative works.
Zhang Zhongjing The Chinese medical sage “ 医圣 ” He specialized in the study of typhoid fever. Contagions ;Contagious typhoid The so-called typhoid at that time includes cholera 霍乱, dysentery 痢疾, pneumonia 肺炎, flu and some other acute contagious diseases.
A complete system of theories on pathology, diagnosis, therapy and prescriptions for typhoid fevers was founded by Zhang Zhongjing. “Treatise on febrile and miscellaneous diseases”
Sun Simiao “One needle saved two lives.”( a tale) Pregnant woman “Prescriptions worth a thousand gold for emergencies” “A supplement to prescriptions worth a thousand gold”
Li Shizhen A great physician and pharmacologist “An outline of herbal medicine” The book, known as a brilliant achievement in TCM development, but also a momentous contribution to the world’s medicine and biology.
The essential characteristics of TCM The concept of holism The human body as an organic whole. The human body is composed of a number of viscera, organs and tissues, which have their own respective functions. Every functions is a component of the general activity, and inter-influence pathologically.
Treatment determination based on syndrome differentiation Syndrome differentiation and treatment determination are inseparable in the process of diagnosis and treatment of disease, and embody the combination of theory and practice. Syndromes differentiation
整体观念 Concept of holism/entirety; Holistic concept; Holistic philosophy 辨证论治 Determination of treatment based in pathogenesis obtained through differentiation of symptoms and signs
同病异治 treating the same disease with different therapies 异病同治 treating different diseases with the same therapy)
经络系统 system of meridians and collaterals 表里关系 exterior and interior relationship
整体观念贯穿于中医生理、病理、诊断、辩证和 治疗的各个方面。 治疗的基本原则是补其不足,泻其有余。 The concept of holism runs through every aspect of traditional Chinese medicine including physiology, pathology, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment.
补其不足,泻其有余 Basic therapeutic principle in TCM is to reinforce insufficiency/deficiency and purge/reduce excess.
What are yin-yang and the five- element doctrine? Yin and yang are two aspects of the unity of opposite things. Major concepts of yin-yang theory: Opposition of yin-yang Interdependence of yin-yang Wax-wane of yin-yang Transformation of yin-yang
阴胜则阳病 predominance/ excess of yin leading to disorder of yang disease; 阳胜则阴病 ?
阳胜则热 predominance of yin leading to heat syndrome/disorder 阴胜则寒 ?
阴损及阳? 阴阳俱损 ? 阳损及阴 impairment of yang involving yin
寒极生热,重阴必阳 Extreme cold generates heat and extreme yin changes/transforms into yang. 热极生寒,重阳必阴 ? Relative balance between yin and yang
Application of yin-yang in TCM Yin-yang and the structure of the body Yin-yang and the physiological functions of the body
Yin-yang and pathological changes in the body The application of yin-yang in diagnosis of disease The application of yin-yang in treatment of disease
The five-element doctrine theory/ doctrine of five elements (five phases theory) Wood fire earth metal water They are the five indispensable materials in human life.
Used the theory to explain the whole physical world. Inter-promotion; inter-restriction To explain physiological and pathological changes in the human body, and the relation of the body to the external environment.
Characteristics of the five elements Five elements zang&fu viscera and other organs WoodLiver;gall bladder eyetendonanger Fireheart;small intestine tonguevesseljoy EarthSpleen;sto mach mouthmusclethinking Metallung ;Larg e intestine noseskinsorrow WaterKidney; urinary earBonefear