Daoism: The Way Directions: Read the excerpts from the Lao Zi. Based on these excerpts what are some of the beliefs & philosophies of Daoism?
Names:____________________________________________________________________ Daoist Beliefs __________________________________
Beliefs of Daoism One must follow the way or Dao Live a simple life; become one with nature Government and law is oppressive; they infringe on our freedom! Natural order is more important than social order
Yin and Yang Yin –Dark –Female –Mysterious –Cold –Soft –Earth Yang –Light –Male –Clear –Warm –Hard –Heaven
Daoism & Star Wars Daoism –The Way or Dao –Yin –Yang –Wu-wei –Laozi –The Force –Sith & Darth Vader –Jedi & Luke Skywalker –Using the force to move objects –Yoda
Homework Create you own yin yang. Depict the characteristics that are yin and those that are yang. Use your notes to find the correct attributes. Look at the example below: Reminder: Assignment 2a/2b due Wednesday Reminder: Projects due Thursday