EOG Testing Grades 3-6 *Reading *Math *Grade 5 Science
3-6 EOG : Goal Summary Reading Grade 3 Goal 2: 62-68% Goal 3: 23-27% Grade 4 Goal 2: 60-65% Goal 3: 25-30% Grade 5 Goal 2: 58-62% Goal 3: 30-35% Grade 6: Goal 1: 9-11% Goal 2: 18-22% Goal 3: 5-8% Goal 4: 9-11% Goal 5: 50-55% Goal 6: 3-8% Authors Purpose Conflict/Resolution Sequence Main Idea Supporting Details Cause and Effect Fact and Opinion Point of View Figurative Language Making Predictions Making Connections Story Structure Text Organization
3-6 EOG : Goal Summary Math Grade Goal 1 Number and Operations Goal 2 Measurement Goal 3 Geometry Goal 4 Data Analysis and Probability Goal 5 Algebra %10-12%12-15% 20-25% %10-12% 15-18%20-25% %25-30%10-15%20-25% %15-20%20-25% Goals highlighted in white display the goals that appear most on the EOG test. Math Games
5th EOG : Goal Summary Science GoalApproximate Percent 1 Plants and Animals 25-30% 2 Landforms20-25% 3 Weather and Climate20-25% 4 Forces and Motion25-30% Link to Science Standard Course of Study Science Games to Make Learning Fun
Helping Your Child Do Their Best Provide positive support by expressing confidence in your childs ability to do their best Reinforce test scores are important, but not the measure of how much you love & accept them
Test-Taking Tips Try hard…do your best Relax, dont worry Listen carefully & follow directions Think before you answer Dont rush…work at a middle speed Check over your work when finished Dont expect to know every answer
The Testing Days Try to keep things calm and stress free Reduce night-time activities that might interfere with bedtime Get up early so theres enough time to get ready & arrive to school on time Get a good nights sleep Eat a good breakfast
More Helpful Websites Into the Book Grade 3 Reading Released Test Items Grade 3 Math Released Test Items Grade 4 Reading Released Test Items Grade 4 Math Released Test Items Grade 5 Reading Released Test Items Grade 5 Math Released Test Items Grade 5 Science Released Test Items Grade 6 Reading Released Test Items Grade 6 Math Released Test Items