Progress Monitoring And RtI System AIMSWeb® Progress Monitoring And RtI System
What is AIMSWeb? AIMSweb is a progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent and continuous student assessment. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers and administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system to determine response to intervention.
How Does AIMSweb Work? The AIMSweb system components provide one comprehensive progress monitoring and RTI Solution. Benchmark – Assess all students three times per year for universal screening (early identification), general education progress monitoring, and AYP accountability. Strategic Monitor – Monitor at-risk students monthly and evaluate the effectiveness of instructional changes. Progress Monitor – Write individualized annual goals and monitor more frequently for those who need intensive instructional services.
Can AIMSWeb provide prediction for success on high stakes tests? Yes. With one year’s worth of CBM test scores, we can create a correlation of high stakes test scores that AIMSweb uses to generate targets. Students scoring over those targets have a high probability of being proficient on the high stakes test.
Do students take tests on the computer? No. AIMSweb measures are administered "paper/pencil" style and scores are entered by hand or uploaded to the data system via Data Capture Tool options.
Is AIMSWeb considered diagnostic? No. AIMSweb is designed for universal screening and progress monitoring. While educators can get a lot of information from the performance of the student by doing item/error analysis informally, AIMSweb was not intended to be diagnostic.
Test of Early Literacy-CBM Letter naming, Letter Sound, Phoneme Segmentation, and Nonsense Word Fluency Measures
Reading-CBM Oral Reading Fluency, AIMSweb Reading Curriculum-Based Measurement
MAZE Reading Comprehension, AIMSweb Maze Curriculum-Based Measurement Standard Reading comprehension Assessment Passages
Spelling-CBM AIMSweb Spelling Curriculum-Based Measurement, Standard Spelling Word Lists