Enthusiasm for Team Presentations? Svetla Tashevska
Aim of this talk O To share experience about an informal action research project O which aimed at the preparation, research and delivery of team oral presentations by first-year students on their Academic Skills in English course O as part of their education in the New Bulgarian University English Studies major S. Tashevska, BETA
Talk Overview O The context: the course, the materials, the students O The presentations on the course: instruction and preparation, presenting, self- assessment and assessment O Feedback from the students S. Tashevska, BETA
The context O English Studies major O Year 1, 1 st term O ENGB 015 Academic Skills in English, which … O... introduces first-year students to the language, requirements and atmosphere of a university environment through real academic life tasks, S. Tashevska, BETA
The context (2) O … facilitates awareness raising of basic differences between language for general purposes and the language of academic communication and discussion of linguistic topics, O … helps students develop skills for using English in an academic context. S. Tashevska, BETA
Part of the course aims and objectives: O To gain facility in orientation in a university environment (NBU, more specifically); O To apply basic academic skills to learning (education) through the medium of English; O To understand written and oral texts for academic communication; O To be able to discuss popular language and linguistics topics; O To learn to take part in team work efficiently. S. Tashevska, BETA
For the rest of the course aims O... and more information - (Go to „ Учебни програми “ -> „ Бакалавърски програми “ -> „ Англицистика “ -> “ Програма 1- ва част “) S. Tashevska, BETA
Focus - on: O Content; O Language – language systems and language skills; O Study skills. => CLIL in action (Content and language integrated learning) S. Tashevska, BETA
The students A mixed group – 16 Ss: O age O life experience O language proficiency (level of general English - А 2- С 2) O abilities O interests O etc. S. Tashevska, BETA
The materials used O Parts of a coursebook for general academic purposes, i.e. major subject non-specific: Access EAP, Foundations O Parts of a coursebook for specific academic purposes : English for Language and Linguistics in Higher Education Studies O Internet sources O others S. Tashevska, BETA
S. Tashevska, BETA
The presentations O Instruction and learning - Indirect (subconscious) – brief PowerPoint presentations by the lecturer as part of the instruction on the course - Observation with a task (conscious) – participation as the audience in a talk by an experiences presenter (a Polish colleague – on an Erasmus academic exchange visit to NBU) and discussion of her talk at the next class S. Tashevska, BETA
The presentations(2) O Preparation and acquiring experience - Learning the language of presentations (signposting language) - 1 st attempt – a brief unassessed presentation – after week 3/4 (of the 15- week term) - In pairs - On the topic ‘A Famous Academic’ – to choose from famous linguists (preferably) - With feedback from the lecturer on the PowerPoint version before the oral presentation - in Moodle S. Tashevska, BETA
S. Tashevska, BETA
The presentations(3) O The presentations at the end of the course – - During weeks 13, 14 and 15 - In teams/ pairs - On a topic of their choice – from 8 suggested by the lecturer or other course- related topics - assessed S. Tashevska, BETA
Variety of topics O The Good Language Learner O Bilingualism O The Future of English O The Work of N. Chomsky O etc. S. Tashevska, BETA
“The Good Language Learner” in action? The different proficiency levels of the students are no obstacle to presenting in a team. (The second presenter is the student, waiting for her turn just in front of the whiteboard.) S. Tashevska, BETA
S. Tashevska, BETA
The Reasons Why English Became a Global Language S. Tashevska, BETA You forget about stage fright, when trying to present the reasons convincingly. And your partner is right there (out of the frame here) – nothing to fear.
Stages (for the final presentations) O Exploration of the topic chosen O Preparation of PowerPoint presentation O Feedback – through Moodle O Finalisation of the PowerPoint presentation O Oral presentations in class (some -videoed) O Discussion O Self-evaluation, (peer-evaluation) and teacher evaluation S. Tashevska, BETA
Video O Only recorded with their agreement O By the students themselves S. Tashevska, BETA
Last preparation moments Excitement before presenting “The Future of English”: is everything OK, is it easy to see… - everyone is ready to land a helping hand. S. Tashevska, BETA
Self- and peer assessment O With the help of a questionnaire - about the preparation process - about the presentation delivery O Prepared by the lecturer in advance O and discussed in class with the students (as part of the course – kinds of feedback and ways of providing feedback) S. Tashevska, BETA
Concentration: self- evaluation Self-evaluation is an intense activity. And when there are no paper printouts or a large screen available in the small classroom, a small screen will do. S. Tashevska, BETA
Self- and peer evaluation O Silent self-evaluation/ Silent evaluation by the rest of the students O Whole group evaluation discussion O Questions: - on the preparation process - on the delivery and discussion S. Tashevska, BETA
Final feedback from the students A focus group interview – to discuss the preparation and presentation process O What helped the team? O What presented difficulties? O What have they learned from this new experience? O Any other reflections? S. Tashevska, BETA
Some of what the students shared O During the course a lot more aspects are developed and assessed than a t school, for instance the audience’s participation in the discussion was something new for me. (V.D.) O The feedback before the finalisation of the Powerpoint helped me a lot: it was very constructive – both in relation to the logic of the content and structure, and to the orientation in the criteria; it boosted my confidence. (J.) S. Tashevska, BETA
Some of what the students shared(2) O I overcame my stage fright. The atmosphere and the common goals of all of us helped me relax. O We did not rehearse the whole presentation together but each of us practised her part individually. (Y.) O The specific terminology used in the sources is the same as on the course, so we felt calm (confident). S. Tashevska, BETA
Some of what the students shared(3) O Although I found it difficult, I used periphrasing and summarising because otherwise it is impossible to report so much information presented in different ways in different places (sources). O We managed to adapt a scientific publication for our colleagues, i.e. at our level. (K.) O I started becoming aware of my own body language and eye contact with the audience. (R.) S. Tashevska, BETA
Some of what the students shared (4) O We learned how to be an audience. This experience taught me how to be a good listener, to show interest. Sometimes the topic is interesting or the presenter is good, but at others it is not so. But you are an educated person, there is etiquette – you follow it, it’s simple. It is really important that we asked questions and took part with comments in the discussion. (K.) S. Tashevska, BETA
The course outcomes O Obvious in the students’ feedback - O Students reiterated specific course objectives. O They showed awareness of what they had learned and what skills they had acquired. O They shared feelings of grown confidence – both in language learning and acquiring academic skills. S. Tashevska, BETA
In conclusion Motivation is developed throughout a course of studies through: O a good learning environment and atmosphere of mutual respect; O sensibly designed course syllabus and realistic aims and tasks; O well-planned feedback – to and from the students; O raised awareness of the needs, the common goals and work – by both students and teachers. And let’s not forget – motivation can be contageous! What the students from this group have brought to our attention: S. Tashevska, BETA
References: O Manning, A. (2008), English for Language and Linguistics in Higher Education Studies, Garnet Education Ltd. O Olwyn, A. (2010), Access EAP, Foundations, Garnet Education Ltd. O NBU website, S. Tashevska, BETA
Motivation can be contageous Thank you! S. Tashevska, BETA