with Lillian Pearl Bridges The Extraordinary Meridians on the Face Accessing, Moving and Transferring Jing
Signs of Jing on the Face The Cartilage of the Ear can be evaluated for strength and flexibility indicating quality and quantity of inherent Jing in terms of physical constitution and spirit The Upper Forehead shows the ancestral gifts - talents, abilities, interests and desires from mother’s and father’s families and is called the Palace of Inheritance. The Philtrum reveals potential fertility and creativity and is called the Palace of Immortality.
Sea of Yin Sea of Yang Seas of Yin and Yang - Examples. These two men are good examples of extra Jing stored in the underground aquifers of the Sea of Yin and the Sea of Yang.
Jing Management
The Facial Map of Life Experience
Male Ears Female Ears
Markers on the River of Life – Ren and Du Channels
Extraordinary Meridians Du Mai Channel - Governing Vessel – Sea of Yang. Responsible for influencing Yang and all Actions. Ren Mai Channel – Conception Vessel – Sea of Yin. Responsible for influencing Yin, Essence and Fluids. Yang Wei Mei – Yang Linking Vessel. Holds the Body Together from the sides. Yin Wei Mei – Yin Linking Vessel. Affects the Balance of Yin and Yang. Chong Mai – Penetrating Vessel – Sea of Blood. Regulates the connection between Qi and Blood and is the bridge between heaven and earth. Dai Mai – Girdle Vessel. Regulates the expansion and the communication between above and below. Links the Upper and Lower parts of the body and holds the Middle Together. Yang Qiao Mai – Yang Motility Vessel – controls the rise of Qi and ability to Move. Yin Qiao Mai – Yin Motility Vessel – controls the descent of Qi and ability to Stand Firm.