1 RSVP-TE Extensions for Associated Bidirectional LSPs draft-ietf-ccamp-mpls-tp-rsvpte-ext-associated-lsp-06 Author list: Fei Zhang, ZTE Ruiquan Jing, China Telecom Fan Yang, ZTE Weilian Jiang, ZTE Rakesh Gandhi, Cisco Systems Presenter: Matt Hartley, Cisco Systems 87th IETF, CCAMP WG, Berlin (July-August 2013)
222 Outline Changes and History of the Draft Next Steps
333 Changes and History of the draft The draft has been a CCAMP working group document since April Draft has been updated with working group discussions/consensus over s about a year ago. Only minor editorial changes since version v5 (September 2012).
444 Next Steps Given that the draft has been stable since September 2012 and implementation(s) exist, we would like to request WG for the Last Call.
555 Thank You.