Good Things Shared by : Uday V. Antani & Chinmay U. Antani This information sent in public interest, Well Wisher is not responsible for correctness of the matter. This information sent in public interest, Well Wisher is not responsible for correctness of the matter.
Seven Natural Laws
Everything is Energy All the seven natural laws are corollary to one great law that everything is energy. Every molecule which makes the physical matter contains a huge amount of energy. Energy is dimensionless and even present in vacuum. Even one atom of hydrogen, contains one trillion times more energy than what is contained in physical mass of the all the planets, including all the stars in the radius of 25 billion light years radius. Energy is not about space, Energy is about potential. The hydrogen atom is tiny, the universe is vast.
The law of vibration and attraction Both the physical and the non physical aspects of our planet, vibrate, pulsate, oscillate. The table, chair though appearing to be stationery, if looked through a powerful microscope have molecules and atoms vibrating. Our body is changing continuously as millions of cells die and are born every second. Thoughts and feelings are also energy, when we become aware of the feelings we have a conscious perception of the vibrations. We align to positive, negative vibration depending on the positive or negative thoughts or feelings. We attract the persons having similar vibrations. One researcher has commented that a person salary is the average salary of his/her ten closest friends.
The law of polarity Everything in this universe has an equal and exact opposite Like ying and yang or Shiv aor Shakti. If something is very hot then rest assured very cold will also exist. Some of the most challenging and difficult challenges has a seed of opportunities inbuilt as the polar opposite. Recognize the fluid nature of reality and natural opposition in every situation or circumstance is a vital skill that requires faith and patience..
The law of rhythm Everything is moving in perfect rhythm and at perfect speed. The seasons, the tides, the rising and setting of sun all follow a cycle, a rhythm. Things do not happen in random or by chance. If we recognize the rhythm in our life, relationship and flow with it instead of fighting it. The relationship, good times, bad times all have peaks and bottom. Flow with it instead of fighting it and there will be peace and happiness..
The law of relativity Everything is relative You are strong or weak, tall or short, big or small is all relative judged by your benchmarks. A 2000 sq foot house can be large, enormous or very small, claustrophobic depending on the individual. This rule is to be kept in mind while judging situations, behavior or events. It is fruitless to compare with others or judge them instead take them just as they are or were. Sun the biggest star in our planet and hundreds time bigger than earth is a mere dot..
The law of cause and effect For every cause there is an effect and for every effect there is a cause Like in physical world for every action there is a equal and oppostie reaction so it happens in the energy world also. Positive energy/vibration result in getting the similar energy and opposite is also true. Nobody can take from the universe greater then what he/she has gives back..
The law of Gender Both male and female are necessary for creation. This is not only true in the physical world where you need the egg and the sperm to create a life but also in the idea world. An idea is created when one speaks(masculine) and other listens(feminine) then the role reverses and the other speaks and the first one listens giving rise to agreement and moving forward with an idea or action. This law is closely allied with the law of polarity and the Indian philosophy of Shiva(masculine ) and Shakti (feminine) or Yin and Yang..
The law of perpetual transmutation of energy Energy is forever moving from one form to another. Energy is moving from one form to another as energy cannot be created and destroyed. Energy generally moves from non physical plane to physical plane. The sun rays help a plant to grow. We eat that plant and get the energy to walk or run converting it into the kinetic energy. The thoughts are the most potent form of energy which can penetrate all time and space. They have the ability to construct physical from non physical.
Seven Natural laws The law of vibration and attraction Law of polarity The law of rhythm The law of relativity The law of cause and effect The law of Gender The law of perpetual transmutation of energy.