. Description of the process The juice is extracted by passing the crushed cane, through a series of four mills, each of which consists of three grooved rolls that exert high pressure. Water and weak juices may be added to macerate (to make soft by soaking) the cane and in the extraction of juice. About 93% of juice is extracted.
Mud produced by settlement in the clarifier is filtered through a vacuum filter. Vacuum filtration of mud results in juice of poor clarity, which is recycled for further purification.
With light scale, the evaporator can be operated over a 9-12 day period. With moderate scale, it can be operated over a six to nine day period, while with heavy scale, it can be operated over a four to six period.
Affination: Treatment of raw sugar crystals to remove a film of adhering molasses, achieved by mixing sugar with a concentrated sugar serum and then centrifuging the magma with or without water washings. Brix : Measure of dissolved solids in sugar solution, liquor or syrup using a refractometer. For solutions containing only sugar and water Brix = % of sugar by mass. Carbonation: Process involving introduction of carbon dioxide gas in to limed juice to remove colour and non-sugar solids. Strike: Massecute as a complete boiling, all of which discharged from pan. Supersaturated solution : In which sugar content in solution is greater than the sucrose in solution. Phosphatation : Clarification using phosphoric acid and lime in which non-sugar components are removed by flotation. Defecation: is a function of phosphate content of juice, a process for removal of coarse dispersed solids from juice by formation of flocculants precipitate within juice. This precipitate not only adsorbs color and colloidal matter, but carries away with suspended solids, carries down in settling Massecuite: The mixture of sugar crystals and syrup (mother liquor), obtained during crystallization stage of sugar refining.
Production of refined white sugar
synthetic filter.