Naturalma ® Programme
Naturalma ® Programme – Report Naturalma ® ? – Solution for ‘a’ problem Problem Shallow use of varieties Several competitors –price competition Defencelessness Sensitivity to scab High first cost Profitability??? Solution New varieties with exclusive licence Only for members! – No competition! Computability – Plan Novelty! Branded! Resistance Low first cost Possibility of ecological production Profitability!!! That’s the Naturalma ® !
Naturalma ® Programme – Report What do we have achieved so far? Where are we now? What is waiting for us?
Naturalma ® Programme – Report The planting grants were stopped The variety assortment becomes shallow and less diverse The basic plant material of the plantations becomes superannuated, no novelties replace them The price competition becomes even sharper Increasing first costs Product prices decrease or stay the same The profitability indexes show decreasing tendencies No governmental subvention Weather anomalies occur even frequent No possibility for contingency funds Producers go bankrupt Only the professionals stay alive Producer and sales Associations are not able to function
Naturalma ® Programme – Report Searching for solution – producers, salesmen, nurseries, government Shallow market possibility Establishment of plantations for industrial processing Searching for nostalgic apple varieties The use of possibilities of resistance Cultivation of varieties with high yields Ignore of sensitive varieties „ways-out, jockeying” The unfavourable situation has been conserved
The „hunt” for the new varieties for the Naturalma is starting Naturalma ® Programme – Report The breeding programme of Naturalma varieties is going of for several years The research institute in Weinsberg is already testing the varieties Luna, Sirius and Orion The varieties Luna, Sirius and Orion are introduced under the brand name Golden Sunshine Line The idea of Naturalma is born at Holland Alma The varieties Orion and Red Topaz are registered in the EU Rozela is registered in the EU
Naturalma ® Programme – Report We have selected 60 varieties in the first step. Criteria: resistance, look, storage capacity, taste We have selected the five Naturalma varieties upon the results of the tastings in the company. The preparation of licence agreements started
Naturalma ® Programme – Report 2010 Jan Feb Márc Ápr Máj Jún Júl Aug Szept Okt Nov Dec Licence agreements Purchase of Hungarian propagation rights and application of the varieties for variety protection The first Naturalma hand-graftings Planting of the graftings Purchasement of new nursery fields in Csobád village, with more favourable soil parameters for the Naturalma ® Programme Establishment of the Naturalma model plantation Registration of Naturalma slogan and logo Idea of Naturalma Bio The first articles are published Continuous tasting events for producers Naturalma budding
Naturalma ® Programme – Report The variety tasting events go on until March Naturalma varieties have been introduced to 350 producers in 9 events In April the Naturalma Inc. has been registered and a higher volume of Naturalma propagations has been started in Csobád.
Summarized result of the evaluation of Naturalma ® and control varieties – November 2010 – March 2011
Result of the evaluation of the taste of Naturalma ® and control varieties (November 2010 – March 2011)
Tuzsér February 2011 evaluation (80 people)
The new varieties are Red Topaz Rozela Sirius Luna Orion Topend Plus
Diploid, good pollinator, bears fruits on the longer spurs flowers heavily and regularly Picking time. One week before Golden delicious Precocious, annual producer of heavy crops In natural storage fruits can be kept until March Attains 90 % attractive red blush over yellow ground colour, prominent lenticels Flesh yellowish, medium firm, crisp, juicy, sweet with little acid, good aromatic flavour Resistant to scab, tolerant to powdery mildew Grower-friendly variety, appears to be better adapted to cooler apple producing areas
Red Topaz A colour-mutant of the parent variety, „candelabrum” Picking time before Golden, hangs quite well on the trees Brings fruits early Fruits can be stored until March Plat, big fruits, almost 100% red cover Resistant to scab, tolerant to mildew
Luna in Piricse Already in the first year!
Luna Growth intensity and form = Golden D. Picking time: one week after Golden Can be kept in natural storage until the beginning of April Fruit: Heavy producer, becomes yellow and a slight blush during storage, flesh is firm, crispy and juicy, Brix-index is above 13.5 Resistant to scab,, moderately tolerant to powdery mildew. The variety is considered for both integrated and ecological production.
Orion Tree: Triploid, strong vigour Picking time: similar to Golden Productivity: brings fruits early, no alternation Can be kept in natural storage until March Fruit: Big, yellow fruits; sometimes get a slight blush. Very juicy, has a special taste that combines sweetness and tartness (Brix 16.1%) Diseases: Resistant to scab (Vf), tolerant to mildew Comment: The variety is considered for organic production. Under intensive growing systems with rich nutrition may produce oversized fruits. Endures drought.
Sirius Triploid, vigorous, semi-spreading, bears on longer spurs Flowering: before Delicious Picking time: about 10 days after Golden Delicious, fruits hang separated even without pruning. Productivity: Early, regular and homogenous. Keeping quality: in natural storage until April Fruit: Middle to large size, globular, greenish yellow ground colour with occasional slight blush, Flesh is yellow and firm, crispy, fine textured, very juicy, with good sugar acid rate (14.7 % Brix). Fine aromatic. Diseases: Resistant to scab Comment: Production criteria are similar to Jonagold, apart from treatments against scab. Very attractive! Very interesting variety with many excellent parameters. Is considered for ecological production
VarietyTopazSiriusLunaOrion Vegetation data Start of the vegetation Flowering Picking maturity Number of days between flowering and harvesting Resistance-Sensitivity (1 point: no symptoms, 4 points: heavy symptoms) Scab 1.0 Powdery mildew Growth, yield Yield potential High Middle Relative crown volume 100%118%91%70% Tend to alternance Low Very lowlow Vigour Middle Relative tree ddiameter 100%126%113%127% Fruit weight 153 g188 g150 g211 g Rate of fruits between mm 80,80% 68,50%60% Storage under natural conditions Until MarchUntil February Fruit quality - Content Firmness (kg/cm 2 ) Sugar content (Brix%) Starch degradation (1-10) Amount of acids (gl -1 )
Guarantee for the production of excellent quality trees New nursery field in Csobád For the Naturalma ® Programme we have placed our whole fruit tree nursery production to a new site. Our new nursery is placed in BAZ County, in the village Csobád, next to the highway Nr. 3. – with far favourable ecological circumstances. Nutrient-supply, texture and water management properties of the soil are excellent. No edaphic pests. The new trees will be of better and more homogenous quality, than ever before.
Naturalma ® Csobád The beginning (April 2011)
Naturalma ® – Csobád After planting (May 2011)
Naturalma ® Programme 2011 What we still have to do is to Ensure the product funds of 2011 Establish the Naturalma ® Bio – professional advisory system Organize tasting events Publish in professional press Organize Open Nursery Days Issue the capital stocks Test new varieties
Naturalma ® Programme What we still have to do is Establishment of a plantation area of 1750 ha Production of uniform product funds To prepare the market for Naturalma products Operate the professional advisory system for ecological production Continuous consuming marketing Operate of the Naturalma Inc. Represent the interests of the members
Köszönöm Figyelmüket! Thank you for your attention! Szabolcs Babicz Production and sales director Holland Alma Ltd.