2014 Tech Meeting Dan Fiser
2 Crop: Potatoes Location: Stockton Ca Dates: –Harvesting: July 2,2014 Objective: Evaluation of Intracept Treatments: #1) GSP #2) GSP + 1 pt on seed piece #3) GSP + 1pt on seed + 1pt foliar at tuber initiation #4) GSP + 1 pt foliar at tuber initiation Summary - The addition of Intracept at planting or at hooking or both did not improve overall number of tubers or total yield. However, Intracept treatments increased the number of Class “A” tubers which are the most valuable. Additionally the foliar application of Intracept at hooking reduced the number of low value class “C” tubers
3 Trial : Intracept Crop: potatoes Treatment and Rep # tube rs Weight (lb) Weight per tuber (lb) – – – Trt 1 mean – – – – Trt 2 mean – – – – Trt 3 mean – – – Trt 4 mean
4 Crop: Potatoes Location: Stockton Ca Dates: –Harvesting: July 2,2014 Objective: Evaluation of Intracept Treatments: #1) GSP #2) GSP + 1 pt on seed piece #3) GSP + 1pt on seed + 1pt foliar at tuber initiation #4) GSP + 1 pt foliar at tuber initiation Summary - The addition of Intracept at planting or at hooking or both did not improve overall number of tubers or total yield. However, Intracept treatments increased the number of Class “A” tubers which are the most valuable. Additionally the foliar application of Intracept at hooking reduced the number of low value class “C” tubers
5 Crop: Cotton Location: Tulare Lake Basin Dates(If applicable): –Harvesting: –First pick only Objective: Evaluation of Brandt Smart Trio® on cotton Treatments: 1 qt Brandt Smart Trio + – –32oz Honcho + Intrepid – –Wrangler + Steward Brandt Smart Trio Results are within the 95% confidence level,however the treated replications on average yielded higher than the untreated. *Yield (lbs Lint/Acre) Rep 1Rep 2Rep 3Rep 4Rep 5Rep 6Rep 7Rep 8Average Smart Trio Untreated
Steric K on Navel Oranges Cooperator- Gar Tootelian, Dennis McFarlin Applied thru micro sprinklers : 10 gpa 10 gpa Pre treat tissue samples taken Dec 2014Tech meeting 6 Treatments #1) East Rep #2) West rep #3) GSP no additional K Note : CAN 17 applied to all treatments
Steric K in Navel Oranges Treatment Area % Nitrogen% Phosphate% Potash Pre-appPost-appChangePre-appPost-appChangePre-appPost-appChang e Steric K - East Steric K - West Grower Stand Dec tech mtg 7 Treatment AreaPPM ZnPPM MnPPM B% Ca% MgPPM FePPM Cu Steric K - East Steric K - West Grower Stand N-P-K Tissue Sample Results Secondary and Micronutrient Tissue Sample Results, Post-Application Treatments may have contributed to an increased uptake of N & Ca
8 Crop: Oranges Location: Orange Cove CA Dates –Harvesting: November, 2104 Objective: Steric K on Navel Oranges Treatments: #1) GSP #2) Rep #1 West #3) Rep #2 East Treatments show a positive effect on fruit size which may have contributed to a Diluted sugar content.
Thank you