Goal: Address Health issue Accompanying research Focus group or Susceptible population Inferences Supplementary numbers How can the nurses be involved Plan of action How to explain positive outcomes
What is considered to be a unhealthy dietary pattern? Who are prone to be affected? Why? What can the outcomes be ?
Value of facts Healthy People 2020 Indicator
Children Pre-school (2-5 years) Elementary School ( 6-12 years) Middle and High School (13-19 years)
Drastic increase in 1980s and 1990s Stayed flat for the past 10 years >One-third of age 2-19 years are obese 2008 Nearly 17% of age 2-19 years were obese 20% of age 6-11 years were obese (Table 1)
Increased Medical cost in the past 10 years 1998 $78.5 billion 2008 $147 billion Treating obesity is complex Childhood obesity may lead to severe ravages
Age (in years) Total (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010).
Assessment Research CommunicationPolicy Advocacy
Healthy Lunch Program in Schools Say “No” to Fried foods High fructose foods Vending machine snacks Say “Yes” to Cook from scratch Freshly grown foods Salad
Measurement: BMI’s and diets Starting and finishing calculations Comparing both Fortitude of accomplishment for the program Implementing changes if necessary
Shared finding within the community Helpful tools Interventions Outcomes! Outcome! Outcomes!
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011). Adolescent and school health. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). NCHS Health E-Stat. Retrieved from Cooper, A. (2011). Lunch lessons. Educational Leadership, 68(8), p Retrieved February 24th, 2012 from EBSCOhost database. Cowell, J.M. (2011, February). Childhood obesity research: Directions for school health researchers and school nurses. The Journal of School Nursing, 27(1), /
Healthy People (2012). Retrieved from Obesity in children and teens. (2011). American Academe of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Retrieved from Parker, S. (2005, Spring). Fighting childhood obesity in minority communities. Minority Nursing, Retrieved from Rowen, L. (2009, January). Overview and Summary: Obesity on the rise: What can nurses do? The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 14(1), doi: /OJIN.Vol14No1ManOS Ten reasons to fix school lunch and save our children's future. (2012). Retrieved from links/Boulder.html