School Aged Children The importance of the school setting Hearty Lives MEND SHINE Food for Life
Hearty Lives Cornwall at the Healthy Weight Conference Eden 17 th October 2012 Kate Pordage / Aimee Pascoe Cornwall Healthy Schools Team British Heart Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales (225971) and in Scotland (SC039426)
Why Schools? ‘The considerable amount of time children and young people spend in school means that schools have the potential for fulfilling an important role in promoting the health and well-being of children and young people and laying the foundations for healthier outcomes in adulthood…’ ‘Fair Society, Healthy Lives’ (The Marmot Review)
Why Schools? Childhood obesity is an issue for attainment and achievement School seen as an effective setting e.g. in ‘Marmot’ and the public health strategy School at the centre of wider community Evidence base emerging that work with parents and children works
© NOO 2011 Prevalence of obesity by deprivation decile Children in Reception and Year 6 (National Child Measurement Programme 2009/10) Recept ion Year 6
Risk Factors for Obesity Primary risk factors for obesity in later childhood are: 1.Watching more than 8 hours TV a week 2.Sleeping fewer than 10.5 hours each night 3.Above average birth weight 4.Both parents obese One study suggests that a child who watches more than 5 hours of TV a day is 4.6 times more likely to be obese than one who watches less than an hour a day. This link is partially due to sedentary time, but also partly to eating in front of the TV, and also advertising seen by the children.
Recognition of obesity Many of us recognise that childhood obesity is an issue – 93% of parents agree – however only 5% of parents believe their child is overweight or obese. Parents tend to over estimate the amount of activity their children do and under estimate the amount of food they eat. More and more parents lack the knowledge, skills and confidence to cook from scratch. Some parents (particularly mothers) admit to lacking the confidence to take part in activity with their children
Hearty Lives Cornwall Levels of School Support / Engagement Level 1 A series of in-school activities and opportunities* Awareness raising / training for teachers / parents and carers Identify a ‘School Champion’ Level 2 Host a full Families in it Together (FIT) course for parents / children Develop role of the School Champion (who can access accredited training) Level 3 Sustainability – continue to deliver level 1 and 2 over 3 years. Sustainability supported by School Champion who can offer training and guide in-school activities. *See diagram 2 below
Hearty Lives Level One