Today’s obese children will become tomorrow’s obese adults. Over the last three decades childhood obesity has increased 30 percent. Potential health problems and health care cost for the future Heart Disease is the number one killer among men and women in the U.S.
ADHD German boys Age: years old 97 boys sampled for a three year period BMI % Methylphenidate medication
“The prevalence of overweight and obesity is lower in a population of boys with ADHD than in the normal German population of boys in the same age”. Hypothesis was based off of previous studies
14 patients received methylphenidate medication Height measured by stadiometry
No significant differences in the relative number of overweight and obese ADHD subjects Slight to no difference in subjects that received the drug methylphenidate Examined their study with psychiatric conditions
Mean + SD Age (y)10 +2 Weight (kg) Weight-percentile Height (cm) Height-percentile BMI (kg/m) BMI-percentile % of subjects with BMI > 90 percentile 19.6 % of subjects with BMI > 97 percentile 7.2
MondayTuesday 10-minute warm-up consisting of dynamic stretching 15-minute bike ride with trainer to maintain duration: minimum one mile 5 minute cool down, which consist of meters of walk/jog, alternate every 100 meters (length depends on fatigue level of client) 10-minute warm-up of dynamic stretches Seated Cable Cross: 55% of 1RM Chest Press Machine: 55% of 1RM Bicep Curls Machine: 55% of 1RM Triceps Extension Machine: 55% of 1RM Standing Shoulder Press: weight able to do Flexibility Stretches (Hold each stretch for 10 secs.) Cross body Shoulder (each side) Behind Head Triceps (each side) Behind Back Stretch Arm circles Forward & Back (Small & large circles