Growing Healthy Communities March 3, 2010 Mary Wells Arkansas Department of Health
An agreement between two or more groups to share a facility ◦ ◦ National Policy & Legal Analysis Network to Prevent Childhood Obesity
Additional access to physical activity facilities Build upon current assets Keep costs down ◦
Summertime access to basketball court A school uses a community pool A school opens its soccer field on weekends to a local league A YMCA gym is made available for PE class ◦
Partnership between two or more groups Formal agreement ◦ Maintenance ◦ Operations ◦ Liability ◦ Ownership ◦ Cost ◦
School administration & staff Community organizations Local government Greater Vallejo (CA) Recreation District
Reason and intent Location (if multiple facilities) Costs Dates & duration Liability Scheduling Greater Vallejo (CA) Recreation District
Interrupt other activities Cost for use “Mine” Liability Affect on facility Greater Vallejo (CA) Recreation District
Security Custodial Supervision Maintenance & repairs Greater Vallejo (CA) Recreation District
Measure if successful Be accountable Greater Vallejo (CA) Recreation District
ACA § ◦ Gives authority to open school facilities for recreation, civic, social ACA § /505 and ACA § /1307 ◦ Two statutes provide for authority to operate recreational program by school and city or town ◦
Governor Beebe’s 2009 Healthcare Initiative ◦ Tobacco excise tax ◦ $400, in FY 2009 ◦ $1,000, in FY 2010 Grant application (under development) Administered by AR Department of Education
May be paid forMay not be paid for Utilities Custodial Security Salaries New construction Insurance Administrative costs Equipment
Utilize existing resources in community Formal agreement Increased opportunities for community & wellness