GEF Policy reforms Revision of focal area strategies Results based management (RBM) Streamlining of the GEF project cycle Level playing field among GEF agencies Resource Allocation Framework (RAF)
Revision of focal area strategies Focus on priority issues Programmatic approach Measurable results Integration across focal areas Consistency with the replenishment of GEF4
FA strategies – revision process Advisory groups (TAGs and SAG) with external experts, STAP, Conventions Drafts and process papers posted on the GEF website Comments received from GEF partners and also web-posted Revised focal area strategies presented to Council in June ’07
Revised focal area strategies Strategic objectives (long-term) with expected impacts Strategic programs for GEF-4 with expected outcomes Measurable indicators for impacts and outcomes Harmonized structure among focal areas
Results based management (RBM) Shift from ‘approval culture’ to RBM Emphasis on cost effectiveness Indicator framework following OECD terminology, to be further developed Project log frames will support the RBM Transition in reporting (PIR) to RBM, may include GEF-3 projects.
New GEF Project Cycle Concept notes (PIFs) and PPG release Work Program inclusion based on PIFs Approval of fully prepared projects Reduce project preparation to max 2 years Streamline and simplify required project documentation Shift the effort to implementation
Resource Allocation Framework Introduced in GEF-4 for BD and CC focal areas To cover all focal areas from GEF-5 Review in 2008
International Waters Focal Strategic Programs for GEF-4 ( ) Four Strategic Programs
Strategic Program 1: Restoring and sustaining coastal and marine fish stocks and associated biological diversity Examples: Benguela Current Danube Basin
Strategic Program 2 Reducing nutrient over-enrichment and oxygen depletion from land-based pollution of coastal waters in LMEs consistent with the GPA Examples: Danube Basin Romania Agricultural Pollution Control Manila 3 rd Sewerage Project
Strategic Program 3 Balancing overuse and conflicting uses of water resources in transboundary surface and groundwater basins Examples: Nile Basin Initiative Lake Victoria (LVEMP) Amazon Basin Management
Strategic Program 4 Reducing Persistent Toxic Substances and Adaptive Management of Waters with Melting Ice Examples: Melting Glaciers –Himalaya/Ganges Pesticides in LMEs Mercury in Goldmining
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