ScanBalt Campus Training Talents on Top of Europe Co-operation between universities, public authorioties, SMEs and industry in the BSR region for Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Sustainable Development
ScanBalt Campus Problems addressed Fragmented structures in education, research and labour market Uneven accessability to knowledge, jobs Missing links between Universities and SMEs Bottlenecks and administrational barriers that hinders mobility Climate change, environmental pollution and public health
ScanBalt Campus Suggested actions The Scanbalt Campus project will support Innovation and sustainable development by: Training and supporting talents through e.g. SBC Knowledge Networks, ScanBalt Academy and SB Innovation Task Force Raise the awareness of young scientists of the opportunities in commercialisation of research results Expanding ScanBalt Campus structures Increase the cooperation between BSR universities, early SME´s and industry for external funding of R&D projects for innovation and sustainable development
ScanBalt BioRegion Innovation Model Fig. Graage F, Petrusson U, Heiden B, Vinkel L, Gestrelius S, and Frank P: Innovation in ScanBalt Bioregion, report to SB ExCo 5 December 2006
ScanBalt Campus Expected outputs Improved trans-national knowledge and technology transfer Improved accessibility to knowledge and jobs Tools for management of knowledge, innovation and sustainable development Improved cooperation between research and business by public private investment Open public events Networks based on official agreements
ScanBalt Campus cool idea!