Improving your grades in AS and A2 Sociology
NGfL - Cymru Common myths The exams will be harder this year The grade boundaries will be higher Examiners have to fail so many Examiners often make mistakes Examiners don’t make mistakes My script was probably marked wrongly It’s impossible to get an ‘A’ Revising doesn’t work for me I work better if I leave it to the last minute.
NGfL - Cymru No-one wants you to fail Markers are teachers and examiners Many are parents They went through this process themselves They want the examination to be fair to everyone equally They do their best to help you through the system The rules are there for everyone
NGfL - Cymru People are disappointed because They don’t appear to know the work They haven’t prepared fully They don’t write enough They don’t understand the examination process itself They have poor exam technique They organise their time badly in the examination
NGfL - Cymru What do examiners want? Evidence of basic knowledge about the course content Evidence of understanding of the questions Well-planned answers that are relevant to the question Good English and clear writing
NGfL - Cymru Activity What are the assessment objectives that you are working towards?
NGfL - Cymru Focus on AO1 You need to be able to: Refer to studies and research Refer to knowledge about British society Refer to theory
NGfL - Cymru Focus on AO2 You need to be able to: Answer the question directly Use evidence to support your points Make clear judgements on the value of your evidence.
NGfL - Cymru
Rule 1 Revise and understand your work.
NGfL - Cymru Examiners follow a set of rules All questions go through a rigorous checking process All questions relate directly to the specification All markers apply the same mark scheme. The markscheme uses assessment objectives that are in the specification
NGfL - Cymru This document is in the specification. Band 4 will be grade A and B answers. You will need to be at the very top of Band 1 or the bottom of Band 2 to get into the grade boundaries
NGfL - Cymru Rule 2 Look at the specification
NGfL - Cymru Examinations are Set by practicing teachers Checked by teachers Marked by teachers In addition teachers are, by their nature, people who are very good at passing examinations.
NGfL - Cymru Don’t try this trick! ‘Don’t know. Had c**p teacher.’
NGfL - Cymru Rule 3 Listen to your teacher; view her as a friend.
NGfL - Cymru Activity Write down the first five words you think of when you think of examinations.
NGfL - Cymru Don’t panic Lots of students are totally panicked by examinations. This is normal; everyone gets spooked. Examiners will take this into account. All marking is positive; you will not have marks deducted for errors The more you know about the examination, the less scary it is
NGfL - Cymru Rule 4 Calm down, take exercise, avoid caffeine and control your negative emotions.
NGfL - Cymru Activity Think of as many possible examination questions as you can on the topic of ethnic inequality.
NGfL - Cymru Questions There are only so many questions that can be asked. Examiners repeat themselves Most questions that require evaluation will focus on: –How? –Why? –Whether?
NGfL - Cymru Rule 5 Look at past papers, mock papers, markschemes.
NGfL - Cymru Read this…
NGfL - Cymru Handwriting Bad handwriting is rude to the examiner. The examiner is under instructions to read every word and to translate if necessary. This doesn’t make them happy at all. In addition, there are mark bands that take spelling into account.
NGfL - Cymru The quality of written communication will be limited, with frequent errors of punctuation, spelling and grammar The quality of written communication is very good with few, if any, errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar
NGfL - Cymru Rule 6 Write good English and use sociological language.
NGfL - Cymru Time planning Each question is allocated a number of marks The examination is for a limited time. Many candidates write for a very long time on c) questions and leave d) questions done very badly. This leads to scrappy work and errors.
NGfL - Cymru Examples … Of course, Marxism is bad for society. Family diversity is caused by having too many families.
NGfL - Cymru Rule 7 Plan your time in the examination.
NGfL - Cymru Command words Explain – develop a description, show detail, talk about how and why, give reasons or examples Identify – pick out the main points Outline and explain – pick out the most important points and then talk about reasons or examples Discuss – talk about all sides of an argument.
NGfL - Cymru Instructions … Using the extract above … refer to the stimulus item in some way Using relevant examples … mention studies or facts
NGfL - Cymru How to upset the marker Irrelevant answers Twisting the question Going off on a tangent Ignoring the instructions Misreading the question
NGfL - Cymru Rule 8 Answer the question.
NGfL - Cymru The Golden Rules 1.Revise and understand the work 2.Look at the specification 3.Listen to your teacher; view her as a friend. 4.Calm down, take exercise, avoid caffeine and control your negative emotions. 5.Look at past papers, mock papers, markschemes. 6.Write good English and use sociological language 7.Plan your time in the examination. 8.Answer the question