Photovoltaic 2 East Sun Power Gen. Co. - 24MW, 0.7Mil m 2, US 200Mil. 1 Nuclear Power Plant => 1GW = 1000MW 24MW x 40 approx. 1000MW Capacity : to be equivalent to 1 Nuclear Power Plant (x 40 times) -> 28 Mil m 2, US 8,000 Mil. (US 8 Bil.) Power Generation: to be equivalent to 1 Nuclear Power Plant (x 5 times) (with capacity factor of 20%, tracking device) -> 140 Mil. m 2, US 40 Bil. ** Still we don’t get power during the night, rainy days,…
Technical Advancements (ex: Wind) Source: SRREN, IPCC, 2011
CSP(Concentrating Solar Power) Technology Source: Herna´ndez-Moro, 2012 Two Types of CSP Source: Herna´ndez-Moro, 2012 Global Cumulative Capacity
Current Market Size (US) Source: Tommy Rueckert, US Solar Program, DOE,Nov. 2011
CSP as a Base Load Power Supply
Technology? Defined by Economist ‘the best way to produce goods and services’- technology defined by prof. Mankiew Free Trade Energy Technology?
New Technology? Saul Griffith's kites tap wind energy