Measurement Tools and Dataset Dimitri Papadimitriou, Davide Careglio, JosepLluis Marzo
Measurements and Tools FIRE Workshop on Measurements&Tools FIRE workshop on Measurements and Tools held in Aalborg, Denmark on May 9, )Determine needs, new domains of measurements (not currently addressed), and document best practices and lessons learned in tools development for measurement-based experimental research Starting point: publication of ACM CCR paper, available online at which allows comments/notes/suggestions/improvements online 2)Identify what can be performed/reached by means of cooperation between projects from a directory of tools accessible to the FIRE community at large up to the joint development of tools, under which conditions, etc.
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Motivations Directory of measurement tools accessible to the research community and FIRE community in particular –Previous initiative ( does not receive too much attention in Europehttp:// –CAIDA tools repository is simple, clear and easy Starting with a simple and easily accessible repository with progressive addition of improvements (bottom-up approach) Containing data from experiments (data sets) so that other researchers could re-use these data to further analyze them and obtain additional results Critical mass: to keep it interesting and valuable, we need high number of people involved and make it grow
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Portal An open portal of Measurement Tools and Datasets for experimental research Users can download any public tools and dataset Registered users (registration is free of charge) can upload their own tools and dataset
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Portal: homepage Short information about latest tools published Short information about latest news
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Portal: the tools
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Portal: information
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Portal: forums
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Examples to be made 1.Example of the visualisation of a tool as a non- registered user (Partition Stability) 2.How to register 3.Sign in 4.Example of a creation of tool as a registered user –Name, description, identifies, homepage, selection of the modules 5.Example of adding info to a tool –News –Documents –Wiki –Files –Settings oAdd members oAdd repository (SVN, Git, cvs, etc.) oAdd forum
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Statistics
Measurements and Tools Measurement Tools and Dataset Next steps Only tools can be uploaded Currently only small-size dataset can be added –Complete dataset section still to be made public –Available after summer