Now with WebReporter!
KeyBoarding Pro Deluxe 2 Canadian, reliable, and easy-to-use – and it just keeps getting better! Over 120 Keyboarding and Word Processing Lessons that link to our texts 100’s of Skill Building and Accuracy Drills to improve performance Over 100 Timed Writings and much more…
What’s New with Key Pro TOO MANY THINGS TO LIST HERE ! But we’ll try… Books now split to 1-55, with document editing and review being integrated throughout the lessons 1-25 now offers coverage of cloud computing, web 2.0, Windows 7, technology and health, and more now covers lessons in Word 2010, correspondence review, academic reports, and reference guides for Window 7 and File Management offers many new lessons, medical, legal, travel documents, and more…
What’s New with Key Pro Quality assurance testing by technical reviewers posing as students 40 additional timed writings (20 for accuracy, 20 for speed) Now checks formats as well as keystroke Designed for Microsoft Word 2010; compatible with Word 2007 New functionality makes it faster to check documents that apply advanced commands such as mail merge “ Next” feature makes it faster to access the next Word document Enhanced grade book Easy flash drive solution (recognizes the flash drive without browsing; bypasses Import/Export command. More tutorials/videos/games that make learning fun and interactive No longer times out after 80 gwam WEBREPORTER!!!!!
What Does WebReporter Offer? Key Pro is now a hybrid solution – both online and software, ensuring that it is reliable and convenient. Students easily upload their assignments to Web Reporter. Web Reporter auto-grades the assignment and auto- uploads the results to both gradebooks. The gradebook results can be exported to Excel And…
WebReporter Continued… Instructors have a lot of flexibility with Web Reporter. They can: Set preferences for individual students Select a grading scale (10 point or 100 point) Select the weighting of each exercise type (such as a drill or timed writing) Can manage their classes from home/any computer Can set different preferences per class Can select to show the best 3 or best 5 timed writings Can pull a report on the 40 most recently completed timed writings Can enable or disable the format checking functionality
Web Reporter
Similar to Instructor Utilities
Key Pro 2
KeyPro 2 Home Screen
Lessons Over 120 Lessons 1-25 focusing on the keyboard and proper technique focused on word processing, editing, speed, accuracy and formatting Lessons NOW include mastering word commands, customizing templates, and managing documents
Individual Lesson Breakdown
Built In Goals by Student
Submitting to WebReporter
Lessons Report
Student Feedback / Tracking
Skill Building
25 accuracy skill builders 25 speed skill builders Quick review focused on trouble keys, space bar, shift key, numeric keypad, and more 29 Technique builders Drill practice assignments for Adjacent Key, Double Letter, Concentration, and more Prioritizes student practice needs
Skill Building Content
Lesson Summary – Student Side
Priority Drills
Timed Writings
More than 100 Timed Writings Can be done in 1, 2, 3 and 5 minute times Can create your own timed writings Can run a report of the best 3 of each timed writing. Can run a report on the last 40 timed writings
Timed Writings – From Text
Error Practice
Error Diagnostic
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