Welcome to AC122 Payroll Accounting 1
AC122 Payroll Accounting Seminar 1 Jim Eads, CPA, MST, MSF 2
Seminar Conventions ?: I have a question ?: I have a question TF: You’re going too fast TF: You’re going too fast Unnecessary to respond to each line Unnecessary to respond to each line Seminar slides are available in DocSharing Seminar slides are available in DocSharing Resize your window Resize your window –Click “Fit to Window” button below slide 3
Seminar Preparation Read text materials before seminar Read text materials before seminar –Seminars reinforce your reading/studying –They do not replace the need for reading and studying! Prepare questions in advance in WORD document to cut & paste Prepare questions in advance in WORD document to cut & paste –Saves in-class typing time –Helps you to remember questions 4
Keep UP! It is twice as difficult to catch up as it is to keep up! 5
Communications Weekly Class Discussions Weekly Class Discussions Instructor’s Office Instructor’s Office Assignment Dropbox Assignment Dropbox Gradebook Gradebook Instructor Office Hours on AIM Instructor Office Hours on AIM –AIM ID: JLE –See Syllabus for days and times Kaplan Kaplan Emergency Emergency 6
Resources Doc Sharing Doc Sharing –Course Syllabus –Problem Templates –Seminar Slides –Weekly Exercise Solutions 7
Resources Course Home Course Home –Syllabus –Academic Success –Atomic Learning –Instructor’s Office –Student Lounge –Seminar Guide 8
Resources Units 2 through 7 Units 2 through 7 –Link to the textbook companion site –Vocabulary 9
Course Syllabus Found under Course Home tab on left of class screen and in Doc Sharing Found under Course Home tab on left of class screen and in Doc Sharing The Syllabus is the “master plan” for the class. The Syllabus is the “master plan” for the class. You are responsible for knowing the information in the syllabus. You are responsible for knowing the information in the syllabus. 10
Syllabus Contents Instructor Info. Instructor Info. Course Material Course Material Course Description Course Description Course Outcomes Course Outcomes Course Calendar Course Calendar Grading Criteria Grading Criteria Grading Scale Grading Scale Late Policy Late Policy Projects/Seminars Projects/Seminars Discussions Discussions Attendance Attendance Plagiarism Policy Plagiarism Policy Rubrics Rubrics 11
Graded Assignments Class Discussions (Weeks 1 - 9) Class Discussions (Weeks 1 - 9) Projects (Weeks 2 – 6) Projects (Weeks 2 – 6) Continuing Project (Weeks 3 - 7) Continuing Project (Weeks 3 - 7) Final Project (Weeks 9 – 9) Final Project (Weeks 9 – 9) Writing Assignment (Week 10) Writing Assignment (Week 10) 12
Weekly Readings Readings can be found under each week’s tab Readings can be found under each week’s tab Simply reading is not sufficient. Simply reading is not sufficient. –Read slowly and carefully –Take notes/break down key points Review until mastered Review until mastered –Work through each example on paper yourself Ensure you understand how each number is derived Ensure you understand how each number is derived –Ask questions in the Virtual Office 13
Weekly Discussions Week 1: Week 1: –Professional Development Activity 10 points 10 points Weeks 2 – 9: Weeks 2 – 9: –Discussion 20 points each week 20 points each week 14
Discussion Grading Stay focused on the discussion’s topic Stay focused on the discussion’s topic Add new information & experiences Add new information & experiences Relate the textbook material Relate the textbook material Use sources to support but not replace your message. Properly cite your sources. Use sources to support but not replace your message. Properly cite your sources. Messages must be posted within each week. Late assignment policy does not apply to discussions! Messages must be posted within each week. Late assignment policy does not apply to discussions! 15
Discussion Grading Grading in four areas Grading in four areas –Quality (40%) –Participation Guidelines (30%) –Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) –Professional & Netiquette (10%) 16
Discussion Grading Quality (40%) will be measured on the following criteria: Quality (40%) will be measured on the following criteria: –All assigned discussion questions were answered completely –Posts were on topic and unique in content –All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic 17
Discussion Grading Participation Guidelines (30%) will be measured on the following criteria: Participation Guidelines (30%) will be measured on the following criteria: –Initial post no later than Saturday, midnight EST –Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days –The original post to be no less than 100 words 18
Discussion Grading Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) will be measured on the following criteria: Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) will be measured on the following criteria: –Posts were organized and logical –No spelling or grammatical errors –References were used and cited properly 19
Discussion Grading Professional & Netiquette (10%) will be measured on the following criteria: Professional & Netiquette (10%) will be measured on the following criteria: –Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors –Appropriate language –Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms 20
Projects Weeks 2 through 6 Weeks 2 through 6 Submit to the class dropbox Submit to the class dropbox Due at the end of each week Due at the end of each week –May submit up to 2 weeks late with penalties in accordance with the late assignment policy See syllabus for full details See syllabus for full details 45 points each week 45 points each week 21
Continuing Project Weeks 3 through 7 Weeks 3 through 7 Submit to the class dropbox Submit to the class dropbox Due at the end of each week Due at the end of each week –May submit up to 2 weeks late with penalties in accordance with the late assignment policy See syllabus for full details See syllabus for full details 10 points in weeks 3 – 6 10 points in weeks 3 – 6 –Fully completing and submitting on time 110 points in week points in week 7 –Actual grading of work 22
FinalProject FinalProject Weeks 8 and 9 Weeks 8 and 9 Submit to the class dropbox Submit to the class dropbox Due at the end of each week Due at the end of each week –May submit up to 2 weeks late with penalties in accordance with the late assignment policy See syllabus for full details See syllabus for full details 120 points in week points in week points in week points in week 9 23
Projects Grading Grading: Grading: –50% accuracy –50% effort Effort points: Effort points: –Formatting, neatness, completeness, etc. Show your work! Show your work! –Accountants may be wrong, but they are accurate! Significant effort points are lost for: Significant effort points are lost for: –Careless arithmetic errors Check your math! Check your math! –Out of balance journal entries Debits must always equal credits! Debits must always equal credits! 24
Weekly Review Weeks 2 through 7 Weeks 2 through 7 10 questions 10 questions Multiple choice Multiple choice May access as many times as you wish May access as many times as you wish No time limit No time limit Due at the end of each week Due at the end of each week 20 points each week 20 points each week 25
Writing Assignment Week 10 Week points 50 points Minimum one page paper Minimum one page paper 26
Late Assignments All assignments, quizzes, reviews, etc. are due by the end of each class week All assignments, quizzes, reviews, etc. are due by the end of each class week Textbook exercises may be submitted late Textbook exercises may be submitted late –1-7 days late = 20% point reduction –8-14 days late = 30% point reduction –After 14 days, assignments are not accepted ► Assignments are not accepted after the final day of class! 27
Late Assignments If a true emergency situation arises, contact me in advance of the assignment due date and we may be able to work out alternative arrangements without a late assignment penalty. If you do not contact me in advance of the assignment due date, the late assignment penalty will be assessed regardless of the reason. Hint: Do not wait until the last minute to complete and submit your assignments! 28
Overall Grading 1,000 total points available in class: 1,000 total points available in class: –225 available in projects –150 available in the continuing project –285 available in the final project –170 available in Discussions 10 points for the Professional Development Activity 10 points for the Professional Development Activity 160 points Discussions in weeks points Discussions in weeks –120 available in Reviews (Quizzes) –50 available in the Writing Assignment 29
Overall Grading Class Grading Scale: 930 – 1,000: A730 – 769: C 900 – 929: A-700 – 729: C- 870 – 899: B+670 – 699: D+ 830 – 869: B600 – 669: D 800 – 829: B-0 – 599: F 770 – 799: C+ Class Grading Scale: 930 – 1,000: A730 – 769: C 900 – 929: A-700 – 729: C- 870 – 899: B+670 – 699: D+ 830 – 869: B600 – 669: D 800 – 829: B-0 – 599: F 770 – 799: C+ 30
Overall Grading Discussions and textbook exercises: Discussions and textbook exercises: –Graded once each week Usually by Friday, often earlier Usually by Friday, often earlier Late assignments will have to wait until the following week to be graded Late assignments will have to wait until the following week to be graded –For timely grading, submit assignments on time Click on your score in the Gradebook to see comments, solutions, etc. Click on your score in the Gradebook to see comments, solutions, etc. 31
To Do This Week! Explore the class Explore the class –Open Unit 1 and explore all of the links –Open and explore all of the blue tabs that are listed across the upper part of the class page Participate in our discussion in the Professional Development Activity (graded) Participate in our discussion in the Professional Development Activity (graded) Get a jump on the reading for week 2 Get a jump on the reading for week 2 32
Questions? 33
One last thought…. Make sure that you read through Chapter 1 before next week’s seminar. 34