IAP Day 2 AM: Private sector engagement in DRR – Global and Regional update
Global Update: Topics About the stakeholder group (DRR-PSP) DRR-PSP outputs 1.Working Groups 2.HFA II inputs as Major Group Business & Industry: Five Private Sector Visions for a resilient future
Building a partnership 2006 – UNISDR explores engaging private sector 2008 – UNISDR tries again 2010 – UNISDR Focal Point established for Private Sector 2011 – First Roundtable by Private Sector at GP11. PSP established 2013 – Private Sector focus at GP13 (Plenary), GAR – Private sector at all global/regional consultations, 75 members. 20 Asia-Pacific members, Focal Point for Asia-Pacific
PSP in Asia-Pacific 6AMCDRR: 14 companies with HQ in Asia among 67 global DRR-PSP November 2014: 20 companies with HQ in Asia among 75 global DRR-PSP 20.9%25.3%
DRR – Private Sector Partnership The Five Essentials: 1.Promote and develop public-private partnerships 2.Leverage sectoral private sector expertise and strengths 3.Foster a collaborative exchange and dissemination of data 4.Support national and local risk assessments 5.Support the development and strengthening of national and local laws, regulations, policies and programs 75 members form the main vehicle for UNISDR’s engagement with the private sector. “The Statement of Commitment: Five Essentials for Business for DRR” expands involvement of the private sector in disaster risk reduction.
DRR-PSP Outputs (1) Inventory: Sustainability Reporting Best Practices From the Great East Japan Earthquake Towards a post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction On-Line Dialogues Presentations & Bulletins R!SE Launched 5/2014 Resilient Scorecard Working Group 1 (WG1) : Catalyze public-private partnerships to impact communities Working Group 2 (WG2): Private Sector Resilience in Sustainability Working Group 3 (WG3): Start multi-stakeholder partnerships at a Global Level Working Group 4 (WG4): Increase business commitment for DRR-PSP 5 Essentials Working Group 5 (WG5): Business contributions to design/implementation of HFA 2 … and more, such as Briefing Kit
DRR-PSP Outputs (2) Joining the dialogue, giving our input Global Platform 2011, 2013 Regional Platform/Consultations in 2014 – active participation in all regions including 6AMCDRR Voluntary private sector consultations (India 2014, Philippines 2012, 2013, 2014) Preparatory process in 2014 PrepCom 1 (July)10 PSP among 13 MGBIStatement Indicators paper (August)Written input Informal consultations (Sep-Oct)PSP/MGBI at 5 sessionsStatements, position papers PrepCom2 (November)17 PSP among 21 MGBIStatements, position papers MGBI: Major Group Business and Industry
Concrete ideas from AMCDRR commitments supported Major Group Business & Industry’s input to HFA II. Statements, position papers grounded in regional consultations Statements, position papers through rounds of drafting among all members Examples of ideas from AMCDRR reflected in Zero Draft, Member States’ statements and suggestions: SMEs, BCM/BCP, corporate reporting, risk information sharing, stronger collaboration and partnerships DRR-PSP Outputs (2 cont ) Message delivered via “Five Private Sector Visions for a resilient future”
Five Private Sector Visions for a resilient future Originates from input into the pre-zero draft Was response to a request for more concrete ideas and examples from the Co-Chairs Five Visions have been appreciated as inputs because detailed explanations of following are given per Vision: What concepts should be in HFA2 to achieve Vision? What mechanisms (new or existing) are necessary? What would public/private sector have to do? i.e. a breakdown list of actions by actor What are the models that exist today? i.e. links to good practices, collected from PSP/MGBI members across sectors, countries, and regions.
Views and Comments on the Pre-Zero Draft [Archive] (Link) Practical implementation, Section D, Business and Industry (File name) _Section-D_Practical-implementation_Final-Draft.pdf
Five Private Sector Visions for a resilient future A resilient future under the new framework where: 1.Strong public-private partnerships drive DRR and resilience at the local and national level; 2.Resilience in the built environment is driven by both the public sector raising minimum standards, and the private sector voluntarily working towards optimum standards; 3.All financial investment decisions, public and private, are risk- sensitive; 4.Everyone, including the public and private sector, behave in a resilience-sensitive way and create a positive cycle of reinforcement; and 5.The identification, disclosure and proactive management of risks carried by companies and public sector entities, is standard practice.
Regional update: topics 1.Progress 2.Challenges and way forward – to be discussed tomorrow, Session “Private sector engagement”
business leaders Draft Commitment for 5AMCDRR 150 business leaders, Yolanda, Hotel Resilient 110 business and government, 2 day workshop for SMEs 2014
Regional: Challenges and way forward Challenges Engaging all members, actors and partners Avoiding duplication of efforts Managing time, resources, expectations Session on Day 3 “Private Sector Engagement” will discuss Draft Private Sector Engagement Strategy for Asia-Pacific