| 1 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Helmut Adelsberger European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) TEN-T Policy Review ALPENREGIO Summer School 2011
| 2 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport CONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION 1.Setting the framework of the TEN-T policy review: the White Paper TEN-T policy since The process of the TEN-T Policy review 4.The planning methodology for the networks 5.The new TEN-T Guidelines 6.Implementation, funding and financing
| 3 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport CONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION 1.Setting the framework of the TEN-T policy review: the White Paper TEN-T policy since The process of the TEN-T Policy review 4.The planning methodology for the networks 5.The new TEN-T Guidelines 6.Implementation, funding and financing
| 4 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport White Paper 2011: Transport White Paper 2001 modal shift. Revision 2006 co-modality. White Paper 2011 modal integration “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system” (COM (2011) 144 final del ) In line with the Europe 2020 strategy: -support economic progress and improve competitiveness, -break the dependance of the transport system from oil, -need less and cleaner energy, -make better use of infrastructure, -have less impact on the environment, -however without restricting mobility!
| 5 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport General objectives: -develop and apply new, sustainable fuels and propulsion systems. -optimize logistic chains, use the most energy efficient modes of transport. -increase the efficiency of transport and infrastructure use, (innovative information systems and market based incentives). Main Objectives of the White Paper Specific objectives: -reduce transport emissions by 60 % -elimiate coventional fuelled vehicles from cities (2030: 50 %); -use 40 % low carbon aviation fuel; -reduce maritime transport emissions by 40 %; achieve a modal share of 50 % (2030: 30 %) of rail and iww in medium and long distance transport (> 300 Km), -triple the high speed railway network by 2030.
| 6 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport How to Do It: 4 “i”s and 40 Actions
| 7 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport CONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION 1.Setting the framework of the TEN-T policy review: the White Paper TEN-T policy since The process of the TEN-T Policy review 4.The planning methodology for the networks 5.The new TEN-T Guidelines 6.Implementation, funding and financing
| 8 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport TEN-T development TEN Guidelines for EU 15 (Dec. 1692/96/EC): dense basic network + 14 Priority Projects (“Essen”) 1997Pan-European Corridors I – X (“Helsinki Corridors”) 1999TINA (= “Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment”) 2004Guidelines revision - EU27 (Dec. 884/2004/EC) : dense basic network (“old” MS) + TINA network (“new” MS) + 30 Priority Projects (“Van Miert”) 2007Financing regulation (Reg. 680/2007/EC) 2007Communication on the extension of the major TEN axes to neighbouring countries (“De Palacio”)
| 9 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Comprehensive Network 2004
| 10 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport 30 Priority Projects 2004
| 11 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Major Trans-National Axes 2007
| 12 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Deficiencies of present TEN-T’s Since 1996 and 2004 significant changes in the fields: -geopolitical environment, -economy, -environment and climate policy, -general transport policy. The existing Priority Projects -do not reflect a European planning perspective (needs of common market and cohesion), -do not take into account environmental and climate needs, -are not multimodal, -do not form a network, -are not sufficiently connected with neighbouring countries and the rest of the world, -overlap with other concepts (PETC’s, De Palacio axes, ERTMS and rail freight corridors), -show deficits in their implementation
| 13 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport CONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION 1.Setting the framework of the TEN-T policy review: the White Paper TEN-T policy since The process of the TEN-T Policy review 4.The planning methodology for the networks 5.The new TEN-T Guidelines 6.Implementation, funding and financing
| 14 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Main Steps of the TEN- T Policy Review Green Paper Expert Groups late 2009, 1 st half 2010 TEN-T Days Zaragoza 08/ ) Decision by Council and EP 2011 …. Draft Guidelines (EC Proposal) : September 2011 Network Planning, Impact Assessment February – June 2011 TEN-T Planning Methodology Public consultation Informal Council of Ministers Gödöllő 07./ ) Public consultation ) COM(2010) 212 final 2 ) SEC(2011) xxx
| 15 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Preparatory study “TENconnect” launched (2008) Green Paper (Feb. 2009) and subsequent 1 st Public Consultation “Towards a better integrated TEN-T at the service of the common transport policy” -Basis of 2-layer approach (Comprehensive + Core network), -Integration of other policy fields into TEN-T (innovation, de-carbonisation, …) 6 Expert Groups (Oct – May 2010) 1.Methodology for TEN-T network planning 2.Integration of transport policy into TEN-T planning 3.ITS and new technologies within the framework of TEN-T 4.TEN-T Connections (to third countries) 5.TEN-T Financing 6.TEN-T Legal Organisation Issues 2 nd Public Consultation (May – September 2010) TEN-T Days Zaragoza (June 2010) From the Green Paper to Zaragoza
| 16 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Elaborating Commission’s Proposal Revision of Comprehensive Network (“bottom-up”, but based on guidance note): -more balanced network density, -concentration on relevant ports and airports, -inclusion of multimodal platforms. Finalisation of the methodology for Core Network planning (taking into account the opinions of stakeholders, in particular of -Member States, -other EC services Identification of Core Network (“top-down” by means of methodology, with input from Member States) Guidelines Drafting, Impact Assessment, Inter-Service Consultation on new TEN-T Guidelines.
| 17 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport CONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION 1.Setting the framework of the TEN-T policy review: the White Paper TEN-T policy since The process of the TEN-T Policy review 4.The planning methodology for the networks 5.The new TEN-T Guidelines 6.Implementation, funding and financing
| 18 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport The Comprehensive Network Revision of the existing Comprehensive Network (road, rail, inland waterways, ports, airports, …): -upgrading of maps, according to progress of implementation since last revision; -addition of “missing links” to close gaps, mainly in new Member States; -removal of dead ends or isolated links, if not specifically justified; -ports and airports: new selection criteria defined (quantity thresholds, geographical criteria); -new “multimodal layer”: logistic platforms included. Importance of the Comprehensive Network: -basis for Core Network (which will be a subset) -basis for other EU policy fields (e.g. cohesion policy, structural funds)
| 19 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport The Core Network The core network (a subset of the comprehensive network) shall: -be multimodal and coherent, spanning the entire Community; -be made up of nodes and links of high strategic importance including the main ports and airports (gateways); -be linked to infrastructures beyond EU member states; -include the “Motorways of the Sea”; -include supplementary infrastructure measures; -reflect the main long-distance / international traffic flows (passengers / freight; existing / potential); -correspond to the long-term needs of the Community and remain stable over a reasonably long period (~ 2030); -allow investment needs and projects to be derived top-down (unlike the existing 30 priority projects). Obligations: -implementation by 2030, -integration of major airports into rail system by 2050.
| 20 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Urban Main Nodes Cities, city clusters and conurbations): -the capitals of all Member States, -the MEGA's = “MEtropolitan Growth Areas” (ESPON atlas 2006), -conurbations, city clusters > 1 M inhabitants: basis: “Larger Urban Zones” (“LUZ”) acc. to Urban Audit (EUROSTAT); Urban main nodes include within and around their LUZ area all multimodal interconnecting infrastructure for passengers and freight as far as qualified for the Comprehensive Network: -seaports and inland ports, -airports, -railway stations, -multimodal platforms, etc. Urban nodes link long-distance, regional, local transport for passengers and freight!
| 21 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Ports (if not qualified as part of a primary city node): -annual throughput > 1 % of the EU total (bulk, non-bulk): interpolation: + > 1,0; -the largest one per each NUTS 1 region with access to sea, per each continuous coastline; Core Network sea and inland ports shall be linked to more than 1 mode (except in countries with road, only). Border Crossing Points: -One border Crossing point per mode from each EU Member State to each neighbouring non-EU Member State (Basically the points with the greatest traffic volumes shall be taken, which in many cases coincides with the border crossing points of the major axes to neighbouring countries (de Palacio).) bulk threshold for bulk non-bulk threshold for non-bulk Ports and other Main Nodes
| 22 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Core Network Links -“Neighbouring” main nodes shall be connected by links (of the Comprehensive Network, with appropriate parameters), following traffic flows. -More distant nodes shall be connected indirectly (=> chains of links => network polygon). Should traffic flows not follow the corresponding detour, a direct connection shall be foreseen. -Traffic shall be bundled along infrastructure existing or under implementation, if traffic flows follow and capacities are sufficient; -If (for one or several modes) a link between primary nodes does not exist, such a link shall be foreseen only if: -justified as “missing link" of a potential corridor, -implementation by 2030 is realistically feasible. This allows gaps in the network and modal differentiation.
| 23 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Network Building Comprehensive Network Core Network Core Network Corridor seaport urban main node
| 24 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport CONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION 1.Setting the framework of the TEN-T policy review: the White Paper TEN-T policy since The process of the TEN-T Policy review 4.The planning methodology for the networks 5.The new TEN-T Guidelines 6.Implementation, funding and financing
| 25 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport New TEN-T Guidelines New legal text, not amendment of existing one Five sections: I.General Principles II.The Comprehensive Network III.The Core Network IV.Implementation of the TEN-T Core network Corridors V.Common Provisions Annexes: Annex I:Maps Annex II: List of the nodes of the Core Network
| 26 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport CONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION 1.Setting the framework of the TEN-T policy review: the White Paper TEN-T policy since The process of the TEN-T Policy review 4.The planning methodology for the networks 5.The new TEN-T Guidelines 6.Implementation, funding and financing
| 27 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport Implementation: Corridor Approach Multimodal Core Network Corridors: -as far as possible following rail freight corridors, -starting/ending points in Core Network ports (or continued towards third countries), -following Core Network nodes and links -passing through at least three Member States Functionalities and equipment of corridors: -multimodality, -interoperability, -traffic information and management, -application of low carbon technologies Implementation of Core Network corridors: -agreed with Member States, -steered by European Coordinator, -funding and financing agreed
| 28 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport The future TEN-T Core Network ;-) ? ? ? (…different from the existing TEN-T!)
| 29 Transeuropean Networks Energy & Transport THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION! Helmut Adelsberger DG MOVE