Vocabulary List 2 English 3 Honors January 23, 2013
Acquiesce Verb Ak-wee-es To agree without protest; to comply silently
Affinity Noun uh-fin-i-tee A natural, immediate liking for someone or something
Bevy Noun Bev-ee A large group as in a bevy of fish OR a bevy of options
Candor Noun Honesty, frankness
Derelict Adjective der-uh-likt Abandoned, run-down
Erudite Adjective er-oo-dahyt Characterized by great knowledge; learned and scholarly
Facetious Adjective fuh-see-shuh s Not meant to be taken seriously or literally
Hapless Adjective Hap-lis Unlucky; unfortunate
Hirsute Adjective hur-soot Covered in hair; hairy and shaggy
Incessant Adjective in-ses-uh nt] Unending; continuing without interruption
Laudatory Adjective Law-da-tuh- ree Full of praise; giving praise
Lithe Adjective lihyth Bending readily; flexible and pliant
Lurid Adjective loo r-id Shocking; glaringly sensational
Maelstrom Noun meyl-struhm Chaos; a restless, tumultuous, or disordered state of affairs
Paramour Noun par-uh-moo r A lover, especially one in an adulterous relationship
Prevaricate Verb Pri-var-i-keyt To lie; to deliberately create the wrong impression
Requiem Noun Rek-wee-uhm Any musical service, hymn, or dirge for the dead
Sacrosanct Adjective Sak-roh-sangkt Extremely sacred or holy
Supine Adjective soo-pahyn Inactive, passive, or inert, especially from indolence of indifference
Voracious Adjective Vor-a-shuhs Craving or requiring large quantities of something As in a voracious appetite or a voracious reader