AFRICAN INDEPENDENCE. ESSENTIAL QUESTION What were the effects of the European colonization of Africa?


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Presentation transcript:


ESSENTIAL QUESTION What were the effects of the European colonization of Africa?

EUROPEAN HYPOCRISY Euro nations fought to rid themselves of Nazi oppression, but still colonized Africa.

INFERIORITY COMPLEX Euros would teach Africans that African culture was not as good.

BRAIN DRAIN Many educated Africans leave, prefer to live in Europe.

NATURAL RESOURCES Africa’s mineral wealth and agricultural wealth benefitted Europeans.

DESERTIFICATION Growing deserts, shrinking water supply.

FAMINE Many Africans do not get enough to eat.

TRIBAL CONFLICTS Europeans would favor some ethnic groups over other ethnic groups.

AIDS Africans suffer in larger numbers than other continents.

APARTHEID Keeping races separate in South Africa. Power and privileges reserved for whites.

AFRICAN NATIONALISM Desire to be free of European Colonizers.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION Were there any nations that gained independence non-violently?

EGYPT Peacefully granted independence from British.

NELSON MANDELA Won election as President of South Africa. Signaled end of Apartheid.

MOROCCO AND TUNISIA Peacefully gained independence from French.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION Were there any nations that gained independence violently?

ALGERIA Fought eight year battle to gain independence from France. Over 1 million dead before victory.

MAU-MAU REBELLION Kenyans stage violent overthrow of British colonizers. Lost, but Britain granted independence later.

GHANA Staged ‘general strike’ of workers in protest to British colonization. Lost but gained independence later.

RWANDA Nation controlled by Belgium.

TUTSIS Ethnic group favored by Belgians. Controlled law enforcement, education.

HUTUS Ethnic group not favored by Belgians.

GENOCIDE Many Hutus wanted to kill all the Tutsis.