County & Regional Context State Parks & Urban Open Space Federal and National Parks - city to wildland social issues of St. Edward park
Parks Planning - Program Active Recreation Active Recreation Passive Recreation Passive Recreation Facilities and Events Facilities and Events Unintended Activities Unintended Activities Intentions? What’s Happening Now? Revenue Potential?
Active Recreation Play Park Play Park Gymnasium, Swimming Pool Gymnasium, Swimming Pool Sports Fields (baseball, soccer) Sports Fields (baseball, soccer)
Play Park
Sports Fields, Reserved Group Picnics
Public Events
Private Event Rentals Seminary, Historic Register
Events and Facilities Play Park Play Park Gymnasium, Swimming Pool Gymnasium, Swimming Pool Sports Fields (baseball, soccer) Sports Fields (baseball, soccer) Other? Other?
Passive Recreation Bike Riding Bike Riding Hiking/Walking Hiking/Walking Dog Walking Dog Walking Horseback Riding Horseback Riding Picnics Picnics Birding Birding Shoreline Activity Shoreline Activity
Hiking/Dog Walking
On Leash?
Social Trails
Prevention? Signs?
Motor Vehicles
Rope Swings
Unintended Activities Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicles Graffitti Graffitti Vandalism Vandalism Water Activities (swings) Water Activities (swings) Personal Security on Trails Personal Security on Trails
Landscape Impacts: Activity Outcomes
Shoreline Erosion
Salmon Habitat
Wildlife Habitat
Trail Erosion
Invasive Species - Ivy
Hazard Trees
Landscape Impacts Shoreline Erosion Shoreline Erosion Shoreline & Salmon Shoreline & Salmon Trail Erosion Trail Erosion Wildlife Habitat Wildlife Habitat Invasive Species Invasive Species Hazard Trees Hazard Trees
Off-site Social Issues - St. Edward Adjacent property owners? Adjacent property owners? Users from nearby areas? Users from nearby areas? Stakeholders and decision- makers who aren’t on-site but make key decisions (budget, staff) Stakeholders and decision- makers who aren’t on-site but make key decisions (budget, staff)
County & Regional Context State Parks & Urban Open Space Federal and National Parks - city to wildland social issues of urban parks & recreation
National Trends - Urbanization time series model - past to future
U.S. Urban Land Cover (2000) Nowak, J. Forestry, Dec. 2005
U.S. Urban Land Cover (2000) Nowak, J. Forestry, Dec. 2005
U.S. Urban Land Cover (2010)
U.S. Urban Land Cover (2020)
U.S. Urban Land Cover (2030)
U.S. Urban Land Cover (2040)
U.S. Urban Land Cover (2050)
Urban Parks Classes Japan
Urban Parks Standards USA =120+ sq m per person vs. 61+ sq m King Co (1998) vs. 9 sq m in Japan
County & Regional Context State Parks & Urban Open Space Federal and National Parks - city to wildland social issues of urban parks & recreation
WA Growth Management Act Enacted 1990, 5 year updates Enacted 1990, 5 year updates All communities in WA All communities in WA Requires that cities and counties adopt policies and develop programs that: Requires that cities and counties adopt policies and develop programs that: – –Direct new growth to urbanized areas – –Promote health, safety, and high quality of life – –Protecting lands and the natural environment
King County Population Trends
King County Urban Growth Boundary
King County parks, 175 miles of trails, 25,000 acres
King County Parks
King County Parks/Recreation quantity and location (180 sites, 175 miles trails) quantity and location (180 sites, 175 miles trails) connectivity of open spaces (25,000 acres) connectivity of open spaces (25,000 acres) user demands and potential conflicts user demands and potential conflicts management costs! management costs! who owns it? who owns it?
St. Edward parcel - local context
St. Edward parcel - public open space needed 316 acres 3,000 ft shore (last undeveloped on Lake WA) conservatio n easement
Conservation Easement legally enforceable land preservation agreement legally enforceable land preservation agreement voluntary by owner voluntary by owner donate rights but retain ownership donate rights but retain ownership incentives? tax abatement, legacy (contribute to public good) incentives? tax abatement, legacy (contribute to public good) purpose: protect ag, forests, habitat, ecosystem services purpose: protect ag, forests, habitat, ecosystem services restricts real estate development, commercial use, other activities to mutually agreed level restricts real estate development, commercial use, other activities to mutually agreed level
Challenges to NIPF Landowners Development value of land Forest condition Regulations: stream buffers, County regs Opposition from neighbors Lack of infrastructure/mills - large logs discounted Economies of scale Changing products
Two foci Limit fragmentation of industrial forestland. 2. Work with small rural forest landowners to promote forest stewardship. Agency/Non-profit efforts
Supporting NIPF Landowners Technical assistance and Forest Stewardship Classes 203 forest landowners 316 parcels 5910 acres
Conservation Futures dollars to acquire development rights Enhanced CUT program - Timberland, PBRS Forest Transfer of Development Rights Program (TDR) NIPF Landowners Incentives
Commercial/Industrial Forest Owners Weyerhaeuser and Plum Creek are moving out. Between 2000 and permit applications and 28 parcels segregated (non-forest uses!) Non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners Since 1996, decrease in 500+ acre owners (11,500 > 8150 acres) Corresponding increase in acre parcels (872 >1245 parcels). King County Private Forest Trends
Rural NIPF Landowners 75% own less than 40 acres 70% have owned the land less than 20 years 52% live on their forestland 30% have sold timber from their land
Urban Parks - Japan