Freedom at last…Now what?
Political Challenges Many hoped for Democracy Most were military regimes dictatorships Civil War Random borders = rise in ethnic groups Leads to violence, civil war, and genocide
Economic Challenges Most choose capitalism or socialism Face a lack of prosperity 1 crop or a single natural resource Used for military Increase in population Weather (drought) = starvation Increase in disease – AIDS EQUALS POVERTY!
Social Challenges Cities and culture impacted by western civ Directed products of colonial rule Modernization High rise apartments Wide boulevards Movie theatres, neon lights, traffic jams Problems in cities Rural to urban migration for jobs = massive slums Decrease in sanitation Poor transportation Increase in pollution
South Africa ANC – African National Congress – 1912 Political party by local blacks Purpose: Econ and political reform Afrikaners Descendants of the Dutch Strengthen segregation laws Result – Apartheid – Means Apartness Protested by blacks Non-violent – brutally repressed Nelson Mandela Popular leader for blacks Went to prison for treason Released and became President of SA
Rural Problems West Civ had less of an impact Lack of modern amenities Ex – plumbing and electricity Home to ¾ of the population Traditional Economy Farm, hunt, and raise livestock Practice traditional beliefs