Location (Where is it?) Includes ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE location Absolute location is a places point on a globe or map Relative location is the places location compared to another place
Examples Of Relative Location Atwater is 30 miles from Modesto The United States is East of Japan Mississippi is in the Southern United States
Examples of Absolute Location Street address: The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Use Latitude and Longitude: Miami is 25 degrees N and 30 degrees W
Place A place is described by its physical and/or human characteristics (What is it like?) physical - features including landforms, climate, and vegetation human - people who live there and their culture: People from New York speak with a Northern accent.
Human-Environmental Interaction How do people use their environment? How have they changed it? How have people responded to these changes?
Movement (How does information get moved around?) As people, goods, and ideas move from place to place, they can change a places characteristics ex. – Internet, Trains, Boats, Cars, Walking, etc.
Regions (How is it like other places?) Set of places that have similar features ex - Chinatown is a region of San Francisco ex – The Southeast region of the US loves college football.
How can I remember this? Just as MR. HELP! M=Movement R=Region H=Human E=Environment Interaction L=Location P=Place