Walking the Talk: A Differentiated Journey with Differentiation Leslie Grahn World Language Resource Teacher HCPSS Leslie Grahn World Language Resource Teacher HCPSS
Why Differentiated Instruction for HCPSS World Languages? Increased access of middle school students to World Languages Need to differentiate in combined classes between regular and honors courses and between levels Emphasis on knowing the learner Increased access of middle school students to World Languages Need to differentiate in combined classes between regular and honors courses and between levels Emphasis on knowing the learner
Development of a theme
Making connections A perfect fit, not an add-on
Differentiation + HCPSS Vision
Differentiation + Cultural Proficiency Assess culture Value diversity Manage the dynamics of difference Adapt to diversity Institutionalize cultural knowledge Assess culture Value diversity Manage the dynamics of difference Adapt to diversity Institutionalize cultural knowledge
Differentiation + Culturally Responsive Teaching Understand how learners construct knowledge Learn about students’ lives Be socioculturally conscious Hold affirming views about diversity Use appropriate instructional strategies Advocate for all students Understand how learners construct knowledge Learn about students’ lives Be socioculturally conscious Hold affirming views about diversity Use appropriate instructional strategies Advocate for all students
Differentiation + Plan-Do-Study-Act
Challenges Realizing staff were at varying points in DI journey “Keeping the ball rolling” Becoming greener Realizing staff were at varying points in DI journey “Keeping the ball rolling” Becoming greener
Putting Support Systems into Place
Differentiation buddies
World Language Document Repository Intranet Pages Online resources
Role Modeling Differentiation strategies
Self Assessment & Reflection
Essential Questions How can I model differentiation in my professional development efforts here in Howard County and beyond? How can I “walk the talk”? How can I model differentiation in my professional development efforts here in Howard County and beyond? How can I “walk the talk”?
What about…?
The birth of the Dare to Differentiate wiki
Dare to Differentiate Wiki today
Technology widens choices for adult learners Based on participants ’ varied readiness levels interests learning preferences For PD delivery models: in person remote synchronous asynchronous Based on participants ’ varied readiness levels interests learning preferences For PD delivery models: in person remote synchronous asynchronous
Choice + Expectations Follow-up possibilities: share at department meeting submit a product for the WL DR submit a discussion posting on the wiki Follow-up possibilities: share at department meeting submit a product for the WL DR submit a discussion posting on the wiki
Let’s take a tour daretodifferentiate.wikispaces.com
Discussion Page
Feedback page
Google Forms Table & Summary
Idea Sharing Page
Using technology for data collection
The option I chose for the February 26th Professional Development was I appreciated having choices.
As a result of my work on November 24th and on February 26th, I have deepened my knowledge about differentiated instruction. I believe that my work in differentiation this year will
Ever-changing sets of learners drive changes in wiki HCPSS MS and HS WL teachers HCPSS K-12 School-based and Central Office staff HCPSS Elementary & Secondary Curricular Programs K-16 WL teachers across region and nation District WL Supervisors from across nation HCPSS MS and HS WL teachers HCPSS K-12 School-based and Central Office staff HCPSS Elementary & Secondary Curricular Programs K-16 WL teachers across region and nation District WL Supervisors from across nation
Leadership for Differentiation DI Professional Development Tools
Follow-up after presentations
Ripples of Influence
Wiki Members
Wiki Web Citings
Wiki Statistics- April 2009
Wiki Statistics- May 2009
International Wiki Visitors April-June 2009 USA Argentina Australia Canada Great Britain Greece Guam Indonesia Iran USA Argentina Australia Canada Great Britain Greece Guam Indonesia Iran Kuwait Mexico Pakistan Qatar Senegal Thailand Tunisia United Arab Emirates Kuwait Mexico Pakistan Qatar Senegal Thailand Tunisia United Arab Emirates
Dare to Differentiate Presentation Participants Plus: Alaska, Hawaii, Bermuda, Ontario, Germany, Japan, and Russia
Tomlinson’s Non-Negotiables of Differentiation Supportive learning environment Continuous assessment High-quality curriculum Respectful tasks Flexible grouping Supportive learning environment Continuous assessment High-quality curriculum Respectful tasks Flexible grouping
Supportive learning environment & Flexible grouping High expectations, continuity, and accountability Opportunities to collaborate- in person and virtually Support system Choice High expectations, continuity, and accountability Opportunities to collaborate- in person and virtually Support system Choice
Continuous Assessment Collect data about learners Use technology to collect feedback Self-assessment and reflective practice Consultation with tech professionals Continuity and follow-up Collect data about learners Use technology to collect feedback Self-assessment and reflective practice Consultation with tech professionals Continuity and follow-up
High Quality Curriculum In a variety of media High expectations and continuity communicate value Deepening understandings paired with application Easily accessible In a variety of media High expectations and continuity communicate value Deepening understandings paired with application Easily accessible
Respectful tasks Attending to adult learner needs Providing choices Differentiating PD experiences Allowing for learning profile and readiness differences Attending to adult learner needs Providing choices Differentiating PD experiences Allowing for learning profile and readiness differences
My insights 1.Synchronous and asynchronous and in- person and remote professional development all can be effective. 2.Learners appreciate choices. 3.Technology tools can be used to “bridge the gap” between levels of experience, geography, learning preferences, and time limitations. 1.Synchronous and asynchronous and in- person and remote professional development all can be effective. 2.Learners appreciate choices. 3.Technology tools can be used to “bridge the gap” between levels of experience, geography, learning preferences, and time limitations.
The journey continues… All images unless otherwise indicated taken from Microsoft Clipart Gallery