WisDOT use of FieldManager ® Suite David Castleberg, PE Wisconsin Department of Transportation Bureau of Project Development Field Management TAG, October 7, 2008 David Castleberg, PE Wisconsin Department of Transportation Bureau of Project Development Field Management TAG, October 7, 2008
WisDOT and FieldManager ® History Statistics WisDOT Process Beyond FieldManager ® History Statistics WisDOT Process Beyond FieldManager ®
History 1994 WisDOT evaluates Trns.port (BAMS) Include look at Iowa FieldBook ® 1997 Implement Trns.port and FM/FB 1.97 Required 20 diskettes for FM/FB install First FieldNet ® service managed by Info Tech 375 users (255 DOT, 120 consultants) 1994 WisDOT evaluates Trns.port (BAMS) Include look at Iowa FieldBook ® 1997 Implement Trns.port and FM/FB 1.97 Required 20 diskettes for FM/FB install First FieldNet ® service managed by Info Tech 375 users (255 DOT, 120 consultants)
WisDOT Contract Management System
History 1999 upgraded to FM/FB 3.0 (ITI/MDOT) First state to “beta” test in production 410 users 2003 migrated from Mainframe to C/S Discontinued ITI FieldNet ® service Implemented FieldNet ® in-house 440 users (215 DOT, 225 consultants) 2008 upgraded to FM 4.4a, FN 3.0a 490 users (240 DOT, 250 consultants) 1999 upgraded to FM/FB 3.0 (ITI/MDOT) First state to “beta” test in production 410 users 2003 migrated from Mainframe to C/S Discontinued ITI FieldNet ® service Implemented FieldNet ® in-house 440 users (215 DOT, 225 consultants) 2008 upgraded to FM 4.4a, FN 3.0a 490 users (240 DOT, 250 consultants)
Statistics 300+ LET contracts in 2007 $750 mil program 5 region offices 40+ vouchers processed daily 300+ LET contracts in 2007 $750 mil program 5 region offices 40+ vouchers processed daily
Product Users WisDOTConsultantTotals FieldManager ® FieldBook ® FieldPad ® 033 FieldNet ®
WisDOT Process
Contract Assignment CO send awarded contracts to 5 regional office contacts: CAS>FN>FM Regions transfer contract to project engineer: FM>FN>FM Project engineer exports to FB and FP: FM>FB/FP CO send awarded contracts to 5 regional office contacts: CAS>FN>FM Regions transfer contract to project engineer: FM>FN>FM Project engineer exports to FB and FP: FM>FB/FP
Payment Estimates Project engineer generates and sends estimate for approval: FM>FN Supervisor or delegate approves estimate: FN>CAS Voucher processes and refresh sent to PE: CAS>FN>FM Project engineer generates and sends estimate for approval: FM>FN Supervisor or delegate approves estimate: FN>CAS Voucher processes and refresh sent to PE: CAS>FN>FM
Contract Modifications Project engineer generates and sends Cont. Mod. for approval: FM>FN Supervisor or delegate approves Cont. Mod.: FN>CAS OR PE generates and approves Cont. Mod.: FM>FN>CAS Project engineer generates and sends Cont. Mod. for approval: FM>FN Supervisor or delegate approves Cont. Mod.: FN>CAS OR PE generates and approves Cont. Mod.: FM>FN>CAS
Other Processes Used Stockpiles IDR’s Daily diaries FieldBook ® for inspectors (as necessary) Stockpiles IDR’s Daily diaries FieldBook ® for inspectors (as necessary)
Other Notes PC specification for consultants Hardware requirements Region IT support installs/uninstalls software DSL for FieldNet ® connection Some by phone Regional IT and contract specialist PC specification for consultants Hardware requirements Region IT support installs/uninstalls software DSL for FieldNet ® connection Some by phone Regional IT and contract specialist
Beyond FieldManager ®
Field Information Tracking Merged with FM database Additional contract information Used by project engineer Merged with FM database Additional contract information Used by project engineer
Field Information Tracking
Project Tracking Contract data from CAS, FM, FIT View and update DBE Labor Compliance Warranty R/R Contract data from CAS, FM, FIT View and update DBE Labor Compliance Warranty R/R
Project Tracking
Materials Information Tracking Project data from CAS 5 standard field reports Used by materials technician Project data from CAS 5 standard field reports Used by materials technician
Materials Information Tracking
Materials Tracking System Physical test results Entry Verification Used by central and consultant labs Physical test results Entry Verification Used by central and consultant labs
Materials Tracking System
Materials Reporting System Contractor entry of test results IRI ride Structures Pavement Project engineer validation of test results Contractor entry of test results IRI ride Structures Pavement Project engineer validation of test results
Materials Reporting System