Engineering Division 1 PHENIX Vertex Tracker Production Status and Schedule Eric Anderssen, LBNL
Engineering Division Outline Manpower capabilities, workload, and environment Description of work, by project –Generalized production –Brief overview of the steps required for each deliverable to better understand scheduled tasks –General ties to cost estimates’ line items Overall Schedule –PHENIX deliverables share resources with both other projects and separately funded PHENIX deliverables –Integrated schedule and resource availability Detailed Discussion of deliverable Milestones by Account Number –Each deliverable is defined in a SOW, discussion will be by SOW deliverable Integration with Future Work –Layer ¾ supports, Station Disk Supports 2
Engineering Division Manpower Team Assembled team has extensive experience with similar structures based on ATLAS and ATLAS Upgrade work to date; most have driven the developments of the technologies employed Tom, Mario and Greg are direct reports; Dave Uken by contract; Kurt and Rodney by agreement (as required—others are available) Availability is negotiated across projects; currently PHENIX has highest priority NameFunctionExpertise E AnderssenEngineer, PI STAR HFT Project Engineer; ATLAS Pixel Project Engineer; Built STAR TPC Field Cages; 20yrs composite structures Dave UkenContract Engineer ATLAS Pixel Service Panel integration; Tooling for assembly of ATLAS Pixel Components; 4yrs on ATLAS; 20+ yrs product design Tom JohnsonTech III, Lead Lead Tech ATLAS Pixel; Assembly, Installation, Service Termination ATLAS Pixels; All composite deliverables for ATLAS Pixel; 10yrs LBNL Mario CepedaTech III Lead for ATLAS Upgrade work; 35yrs at LBNL (numerous projects, many for Bevatron Biomed); All composite deliverables for ATLAS Pixel Greg KleverTech ITrainee Kurt KruegerTech III, matrixed 20+yrs race car/motorcycle fabrication; 10yrs at LBNL; Fabricated all bent tube services for ATLAS Pixel; 5yrs ATLAS Assembly Rodney PostTech III, matrixedHead of LBNL Optics shop; 30+yrs at LBNL; 7yrs ATLAS Assembly
Engineering Division Strip Pixel Tube Production Tubes stored dry after cleaning before bonding Production rate faster than assembly rate, not on critical path Initial yield problem solved—rejects had non-compliant barb-end bends 4
Engineering Division Strip Pixel Foam Core All foam blanks complete After bonding blanks to bottom face-sheet, trough for tube is machined Assemblies are batched up to this phase to allow more efficient interaction with Shop 5
Engineering Division Ready for Machining 6
Engineering Division Strip Pixel Stave Bond Stations 4 bond stations, 2 Long/2 Short, used for every bond operation Aim for one operation all tools each day Rate will drop in half once short staves are complete Have been losing Mondays in winter— tool/table temps below 61F out of tolerance –Facilities looking into re-programming controller for HVAC 7
Engineering Division Strip Pixel Stave Assembly Status Status Spreadsheet updates ~weekly and posted “Percent Complete” is only a rough metric; ignores rejects Reports only ‘Assembly’ of the components All component and tooling manufacture is 100% complete Each box averages~1hr labor ~130hrs total ETC ~$16k 8
Engineering Division Strip Pixel Tube Production Status 9 Separate Sheet in previously mentioned spreadsheet Nominally for internal tracking rather than reporting—aimed at assuring sufficient tube availability to support stave assembly Boxes in first column are ~1hr, remaining boxes thru geometry check ~0.5hr each ~50hrs ETC ~$7k
Engineering Division Strip Pixel Stave ETC Funds Remaining ~$29k, ETC ~$23k Burn rates in Dec, Jan feuled by fabrication of parts and tooling Remaining 180hrs limited by tooling and cure-cycles 130hrs of assy is critical path, max burn rate ~4hrs/day ~32days remaining. –Batch machining and survey accelerates this some –After completion of Short Staves, rate drops to 2hrs/day (only 2 tools), balanced with batching… Earliest finish 1-April, more likely Mid-April 10
Engineering Division Barrel Space Frame Tooling Assembly and trim tooling completed late Jan –Will need to modify for shorter support beams Lamination tool delivered last rather than first; proved difficult to fabricate Lamination tool delivered last week; needs surface work (polish) to remove/round dings from rolling shell 11
Engineering Division Barrel Space Frame Components Components Required 2 Half Shells 4 Support Beams 4 Gusset plates Gusset plates complete Support beam plate complete, in shop for machine to shape –Need to re-program cut-paths after recent change in design Half shell laminates take 1day each to cure, another 2 to trim –First article is used for practice Bonded assy is a 1day operation after dry fit of parts Expect completion by end of March –Need to schedule work around trips to BNL—I should be present for final bond and tooling modifications Prefer to delay—shell is fragile w/out L4 support or equivalent –May need to design/fab temp support if required earlier 12
Engineering Division Pixel Layer 1 Support 4 total; 2left, 2right 2 right assemblies complete 2 left require stave mount bonding Left-handed blocks bumped to machine Strip Pixel Stave inserts Received parts yesterday 2 bond operations required to complete Should be complete early next week 13
Engineering Division Pixel Layer 2 Supports All core-panel assemblies complete All blocks bonded onto panel assemblies in one operation Also expect completion next week 14
Engineering Division Barrel Space Frame and Pixel Supports $37k remaining, ETC ~$25k (need to add mods/reinforcement if required) This is a ‘Fabrication’ account, i.e. money arrived via Fin, but estimated at WFO rates. Burn rate is lower due to lower overhead –Included prototype Strip Pixel Staves for ~$15k ~160hrs to complete, 112 on critical path (Space Frame), again tooling limited, max ½ time burn rate, 28days for earliest completion Earliest Completion April 1 for Space Frame; Pixel supports as noted earlier 15
Engineering Division Pixel Staves 40 acceptable staves complete $1.5k remains in account after making 2 more omegas No more M55J on hand to fabricate more Sufficient parts to assemble 2 additional staves, $1.5k barely sufficient More than 2 requires more material, for omegas and thermal planes, and machining more mount blocks Plan to dry-fit staves still at LBNL onto Pixel Barrel Mounts after their completion next week Will send them onto RIKEN shortly thereafter 16
Engineering Division FVTX Sensor Backplanes ~2wk delay on initial startup this year –Material (all) moved offsite over break to mitigate risk of freezer failure during shutdown –Delayed transfer back until monitoring upgrade was complete First test panel delivered 8L/9S wedges –Bag-side of laminate not within flatness spec Second test panel complete; wedges being machined –Used caul-plate on bag-side—improved flatness, but part ~100m too thin (add back removed central 0) –Improve part density (expect more than 8/9) –Expect to ship next week; will finalize interface to DB at that time If parts survey flat, will launch production of plate fabrication (2d/plate, ~8plates) –Will machine first plate immediately, but prefer to batch machine rest in 2 batches after the first plate, (3 batches total, 4 if yield is an issue) Assuming successful survey, first production batch ships week of 8- March; remaining batches every 2 wks thereafter as required Detailed schedule relies on interface with shop; minimizing batches minimizes uncertainty 17
Engineering Division FVTX Support Cages Contract for tooling design in works –Design changes to support beam need to propagate to model before assembly tooling designed –Can start on lamination tool, but won’t issue to shop without updated model for verification (due diligence) Problem with CN60 order ($20k) –FVTX needs ~6sqm; was in stock last May when originally quoted –Fabric supplier out of stock on pre-woven material; min order from Fabric vendor is 50sqm. Costs ~$500/sqm (note vendor supplies Tencate) –Investigating sharing cost with other programs that will require CN60 (STAR/ATLAS) –Will investigate buying dry, impregnating only what’s required Late May, Early June delivery not unreasonable –Need to propagate in schedule—only got thru wedges in detail 18
Engineering Division L34 Support Status Same cost model as Pixel Barrel Supports, similar labor cost, increased materials Waiting for M55J quote; requested at same time as CN60 quote Can likely issue SOW/Estimate by end of week Work not yet scheduled but understand June delivery desired Crude estimate of 8-10wks production duration from onset of funding 19