Field Questions
–Asked by sub or GC when discrepancy in construction docs or existing site conditions Design change verification request Field information memo Request for clarification Request for info –Managed by Project Engineer Log maintained indicating status of ?? Project engineer gets first crack at answering
–Can originate from subs, suppliers, GC –Rules: Question must be in writing (Verbal is always followed up with letter) Subs & suppliers always route questions thru GC One question per field question form Questions must be clear concise, complete and accurate Each form has a unique number F13-1
Logs All field questions are tracked by log –All questions and replies are written –Replies to questions need to go to asking party and any other party that might be impacted
Management –Need to make sure that questions are real and not a way to get more $ All questions go thru PM office –Must get timely response from designer –On-site meetings may help resolve question –Resolve question before getting cost Cost should not be driving factor in design Field question part of active QC process –No limit on # of questions –Better design => less questions
Management –Field question must be clear Use sketches, drawings, photocopies, photos to help Put as much backup data as possible with ? –Makes it easier for designer to figure it out –Project Engineer can make recommendations to designer Project Engineer must research problem, and always be right. –Designers are busy and engaged in other projects, admin budget is almost gone –Attempt to resolve issue internally
Field question Drawings Must be numbered, dated, and refer to a construction drawing Drawings all routed thru 1 person/firm for sequential numbering Use 8.5x11 for simple sketches, revise drawings for complex problems All sketches are logged in Sketches have great value Contract documents must be updated with each revised sketch/drawing –If not could have large negative impact – QC program as failed
Response needs to include a clear and concise direction Construction change directive Design change notice Design change proposal Design change verification Engineering or Architectural change notice Field change notice Field order
Impact Analysis PM must determine impact of question & response Change in the scope of the project Additional construction costs Adverse impact on the construction schedule –If there is then PM requests a contract change order from owner Known as change order proposal –If designer recognizes that response will result in a change in cost then a construction change directive is issued
construction change directive Provides clear direction to GC delineating required actions Proceed with work, estimate to be provided later Proceed with preparing estimate, do not begin work until estimate approved Proceed with work on a time and material basis, Track actual costs