No Club Needed
Panama Canal Desires for expansion needed better transportation route Isthmus splitting N. and S. American perfect location French tried and failed, wanting to recoup losses Tension was growing, group wanting independence “Revolution” erupted with some assistance from abroad
Don’t Make Same Mistakes Americans had to learn from others Yellow fever a huge issue Dr. Walter Reed able to identify carrier and find solution Army worked on huge drainage project to wipe out the mosquito Construction began 1906, completed August 1914
Roosevelt Corollary U.S. intervention justified in any “wrongdoing” in Latin America Addition to Monroe Doctrine Dominican Republic area of interest for Europeans in 1904, Roosevelt takes control Walking softly and carrying a big stick
America and Asia Japan posed concern in China Glad to see Russian expansion challenged Roosevelt the mediator Treaty of Portsmouth 1905 Goal: keep trade open in China Slow down Japanese expansion
Cont….. Japanese displeased with outcome Roosevelt mediating again Japan insulted by San Francisco school politics Segregation of Asian students Roosevelt persuades school to change policy Japanese immigration restricted Roosevelt's unintended outcomes Show of might? “Great White Fleet” Japan sees this as a challenge and are motivated to increase own navy
Roosevelt’s Shoes William Howard Taft followed the Roosevelt show Different style: MONEY will solve the problem System was ineffective and made for poor foreign policy
Moral Diplomacy Woodrow Wilson: rejected notion of expansionism Still got involved in Latin American activities Most notably: Mexico Long standing conflict between wealthy elite and peasant class Amidst chaos, Wilson tries to promote “good” gov’t Refused to recognize General Huerta’s regime
Cont….. Took a side, strongly Prevented arms to get to Huerta, supported opposition, Carranza U.S. presence made it’s point, Huerta backed down, Carranza gains power Poncho Villa vs. the US