1 MICE Report to the CMPB February 2008 Ken Long, Andy Nichols and Richard Apsimon 22nd Feb Project Manager’s Report 2.Project Status, risks and schedule 3.Financial status
2 Conclusions and principal issues: Conclusions: The increase in the pace of the MICE-UK project has now been maintained since June 2007 Technical progress from RA and AN … The outturn forecast is in excess of the £9.72M envelope A possible de-scope option (magnetic shield wall procurement postponed to Phase II) has been identified Issues: Phase I resources need to be carried over into financial year 2008/09 Since some magnetic shielding walls are required for Phase II, the best way forward needs to be identified: Noting that the infrastructure project now has gathered momentum, the project teams preference is: –To review rapidly the design with a view to reducing complexity and cost and to identify whether a staged build is possible; and –To push ahead as close to the present schedule as possible It is urgent to resolve the funding of Phase II
3 MICE Target (in ISIS) Target & Controls. Pre-installation Stepper motor & interlocks ok. Target actuated 1000 times ok. Good vacuum (3.3×10–7 mbar). Absolute position w.r.t. beam pipe measured. Moved to ISIS and connected Sunday 20th Several damaged fibres discovered. (Poor installation) Optics (approximately) set up. Stepper motor & interlocks checked. Target raised & lowered several times. Operation from MICE LCR difficult without network. Some work remaining for Installed Target Adjustment of optical amplifiers, interlock programming, gate valve to be open, PPS ………. Stepper motor control under investigation at DL and, of course, permission from ISIS to operate!
4 Secondary MICE Target Actuator & electronics (almost) completed & tested in Sheffield – 50,000 pulses. To RAL 13th February and re-assembled in R78. Unusual pulse-to-pulse variation. Failed after ~600 pulses. One coil (of 24) found shorted to ground & burnt out. Internal ground not connected in Sheffield test! Spare stator installed New welded seals at Daresbury last week Brought back to RAL immediately (untested.) All electronics now at RAL. Problems still exist so has now be taken back to Sheffield for further investigation. N.B. Stator currently in ISIS had done >2M pulses ok. Future – investigating better quality insulation (double layer?) with manufacturer. Need new QA procedures for coil insulation.
5 Phase I beamline in MICE Hall Shielding complete & D2 positioned Since then:- D2 fully connected PSI Decay solenoid installed With shielding Aligned Q4,5 & 6 installed All girder boxes built & installed Power & interlocks connected Water being finished Alignment complete Still to do Cherenkov mounted Stand required modification ToF0 delayed. Due early March Install with Cherenkov Q4-6 water and final tests Q1 power supply due last week PPS to be connected – this week Sept 2007 Feb 2008
6 Work in ISIS vault during Xmas shutdown
7 Status of tracker build: schedule Tracker schedule: Tracker #1 complete in R8 Tracker #2 to be fabricated by end March ’08 (means assembled space frame in coffin) Cosmic ray test of tracker #1 started before end March ’08 Continuing resolution of installation: Run with cosmics, install in solenoid, run with cosmics? Run with cosmics, install/de-install in Hall, run with beam?
8 Linde refrigeration Spec:- 4K (56W solenoid + 10W transfer ) In November we saw about 51W + 10W Managed to cool decay solenoid to ~20K –Ran out of time, not cooling Problem ‘traced’ to missing insulators Jan 08, a reduction to 47W + 10W Problem now believed to be turbines –Evidence of carbon / graphite dust –Bearing failure? Turbines due back last week Engineer ready to re-fit & re-test We trust that this the end of the problem. Scaffolding built around decay solenoid Gas rack and piping ready Need access to DSA and permission to dismantle transfer line. DeMaCo will return to re-install transfer line into DSA 17 th March.
9 Technical Co-ordination, Phase One The shared post of PM/TC has worked quite well Six months ago there was much for us to learn: Revised the WBS Now have a clearer picture of tasks and responsibilities Led to better understanding of the project Technical detail and information flow was not obvious Engineering content of Infrastructure WP had been grossly underestimated New Hall Manager, together with re-structured meetings, is a vital link in the project Some very good progress has been made in the Hall build-up, but there have been a few technical problems… Clear that we have to plan better for Phase Two
10 Technical Co-ordination, Phase One Delay to target running: Ideally, management of design and manufacture should have been in one place Mechanical design of the bearings and shaft could have been improved to mitigate dust problems delays and QA problems On & Offline targets should have had parallel working One Project Engineer identified at Daresbury for target, effective, but rather too late to make big difference If there is a limited target programme in Phase Two: Mechanical re-design, bearings, shaft (important) Single engineering oversight Should ISIS take responsibility for installation? Start up of Q4,5,6 Has been delayed as they are not connected to water Result was we missed completing before ISIS started and lost access to DSA All services and ancillaries must be captured on installation drawings with parts lists – simple stuff, but surprisingly difficult to implement
11 Technical Co-ordination The Infrastructure project: Magnetic Shield walls Rolling platforms False floor Concrete floor removal Excavation of ISIS mound DSA Roofing Air Conditioning Water Electrical The engineering content was seriously under-estimated, what have we done? We now understand it (Don’t like what we’ve found though!) Broken it into more digestible chunks, i.e. North, South, etc Appointed new WP1 Manager (Tim Hayler) Limited de-scope possibility (rolling platforms) Tenders, orders, etc underway, see Richard’s slides
12 Technical Co-ordination Infrastructure technical status: Following big-ticket items are committed: South shield wall support structure Air conditioning units Concrete floor removal Design work almost complete for: False floor North wall shield support structure DSA roofing and walkways Four sensible offers received for ALL magnetic shield plates (£150k – £200k) Remaining design work: MICE Hall roof layout (not yet started) & check the roof’s structural rating –Fence between MICE roof and Injection Hall Installation drawings for CDM records (hopefully a collating exercise)
13 Technical Co-ordination We have been asked to provide these but have no funds to do so –Fence (or hand rails ) around the entire perimeter of the MICE roof –Permanent stairway giving access to roof So the Infrastructure will over-run Phase One…. Three main effects: Will delay Step II & III of MICE Stack-up of deadlines means Heavy civil work will be concurrent with tracker/solenoid integration – cannot be allowed Spending on infrastructure (manpower & capital) carried into Phase II Open questions: We can stage the build of the magnetic wall, not a cost saving, in fact probable cost increase, but we can tailor to meet Phase II beamline build schedule better? –Direct cost saving from change of rolling platforms 2-6 for off-shelf slides Carry on as we are option: basically the infrastructure work dominates the Hall until mid July 2008
14 Technical Planning for Phase Two We have to plan better: The Phase One Infrastructure Work Package should convert into Integration & Services for Phase II: It’s very important that this is understood and properly resourced, because the risks are greater: More diversity in the beamline elements Safety, technical, financial and collaborative issues The Hall will be full of equipment – less space than we think The current WP1 Manager can do it, but must be backed up by suitable, technical person Better use to be made of the Technical Board Integration & compatibility issues will become more important Currently the Hall baseline layout is a huge 2D CAD drawing ‘owned’ by one person. We will fail if we carry on like this The drawing is too large and crowded It has no dimensions or datums for beamline items No services detail shown All technical integration decisions are on the critical path at the mercy of one overloaded person
15 Technical Planning for Phase Two We will convert it to 3D CAD assembly – partly done already: Access by multiple controlled users possible Engineering decisions can be made in parallel CAD models more easily shared among collaborators Dimensioned plans can be extracted A couple of worries: The RF and LH2 projects both have the potential for large unforeseen expansions of engineering effort: The RF power distribution is currently ill-defined The LH2 is an R&D project at present and the lead engineer left last year (replacement identified – Mike Courthold) Interaction with the rest of MICE for both these activities will not be straightforward The Phase II effort profile estimate is taking shape, but it must allow sufficient margin for the above and identify the right person – discussions underway with EID Integration & services must be identified as a discrete Work Package.
16 Organisation Project management team established: A.N. Other PPD: P. Flower, in place from October Took responsibility for testing completed Q35s and D2 (and other things!) MOM team now in place: Past: Blondel, Long, Zisman Present: Gianninni (present MOM) Future: Apollonio, Kyberd, Ellis, Grauhlich, Long, Bross, Zisman, Kaplan, Blondel Project on much better footing, but: PM (R.Apsimon) has applied for early retirement Consultation over successor has started P.Flower has applied for early retirement Other staff have applied for redundancy/retirement Uncertain times! WBS: change in infrastructue work package manager: T.Hayler replaced C.Nelson from January 2008 Preparation of reports: Much better, but still some work to do … For Phase II plan to set up a data-base (in common with UKNF) …
17 Phase I finances:
18 Phase I finances: infrastructure
19 Phase I finances: over-run:
20 Phase I: possible re-definition of scope Outturn forecast in excess of allocation +WM + contingency Therefore seek a re-scope that will bring the total spend within the £9.72 envelope Option: Move procurement/installation of magnetic shield walls out of Phase I Undertake redesign with a view to simplification of design and reduction of cost as part of Phase II Technical details from Andy Nichols Magnetic shielding will be required in Phase II Possibilities for cost reduction: Simplify support Reduction in quantity of steel –Thickness –Perhaps north (linac side) wall need not be as thick »Extreme possibility: north wall is not needed (unlikely)
21 Phase I: possible re-definition of scope Present schedule for build of magnetic shielding: Start April; complete end of June Heavy civil construction in conflict with running MICE with tracker: Concrete dust/metal swarf incompatible with tracker electronics Agreement with FNAL precludes heavy construction work in vicinity of VLPC cryostats (VLPC cassettes are D0 live spares) Significant schedule issue Delay/redesign magnetic shielding: pros and cons: Pros: Design for a cost saving: reduce capital cost and perhaps a staged build Staged build: –Would allow ‘just enough’ steel to be installed for each stage in MICE build up Staged build –May allow data-taking to be scheduled in between sections of build Cons: Redesign implies delay to installation start and increase in staff effort required Staged build likely to result in an overall increase in cost: –Though the spend profile may be more easily managed
22 Phase II finances: MICE-UK Phase II deliverables: STFC funding cuts likely to imply a significant reduction in resources …
23 Phase II finances: guidelines from J.Womersley Seek to defend a continuing accelerator R&D programme at the level of ~£10M / year Guidelines for the MICE-UK and UKNF programmes:
24 Phase II finances: consequences: Significant (and unrecoverable) delay: Above assumes contract for focus-coil modules is let on the 29Feb08 Implies first payment this financial year To get close to requested profile, had to introduce arbitrary 3 month delay to start of manufacture of second set of coils Moves payments into financial year 2010/ months +14 months Urgent action is required!
25 Phase II finances: consequences: risk Risk: loss of post. doc. Staff: Significant damage to expert UK team established in Phase I Implies significant reduction in potential for UK impact in analysis/exploitation phase Tragic! Urgent action is required!
26 Reputation risk: STFC RAL is the host laboratory: Over the past year, the international collaboration (the US in particular) has increased its investment in MICE Phase II For the UK to delay the schedule of the experiment risks not only the timely inward investment, but the UK reputation as a reliable collaborator and host
27 Project Milestones – progress since last OsC Total # milestones % Complete at 9/ % Therefore # remaining % Of these 49.7% we have…….. Completed by 2/ % Not complete but unchanged 149.5% Milestone now within 30 days 21.4% Milestone past and not complete %
28 Project Milestones – progress since last OsC
29 Project Milestones – progress since last OsC Not complete but unchanged (14) 7 will finish by 31/3/08 3 due to finish at end of Phase I infrastructure 4 are part of Phase II Milestone now within 30 days (2) Linde refrigeration – before 31/3/08 Milestone past and not complete (16) 1 finished since writing paper 6 will finish by 31/3/08 8 due to finish at end of Phase I infrastructure 1 is part of Phase II