The French Revolution Mr. Heaps World History 9
Key Terms/People/Events Estates (glossary) 1st Estate – Clergy (characteristics) p. 330 2nd Estate – Nobility (characteristics) p. 330 3rd Estate – Peasants, Bourgeoisie, Townspeople Bourgeoisie – (glossary, p. 330) Relics of Feudalism (glossary, p. 330) Estates General (p. 331, video outline) National Assembly (p. 331, video outline) Tennis Court Oath (p. 331,332) Bastille (p. 332) Declaration of the Right of Man and of the Citizen Olympe de Gouges (p.333)
Quiz: Cause of the French Revolution Items to study: Key terms, events, people Video Outline 3 Estates Graphic Organizer Group Activity (Causes of French Revolution)
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (p. 332) What famous documents (3) inspired this declaration? (p.332) The main provisions of this new constitution were: _________ & ________ rights to all men. Access to public office based on __________. An end to ___________ from taxation. Citizens had rights to partake in _______ making. Freedom of ________ & _________.
Olympe de Gouges (p.333) What did she refuse to accept? What did she claim? See page 775 to read excerpts from her famous document.
The King Concedes (p. 333,334) Although he first refused to accept the decrees and constitution of the national assembly, King Louis XVI was eventually forced to accept them. Describe what happened that made him to change his mind. Answer: What was the King and his family forced to do?
Rise of the Paris Commune (p.335) In August of 1792, _________ political groups in Paris, calling themselves a __________, organized a mob attack on what two places? Answer: List three KEY things that this Paris Commune did? What did members of the Paris commune call themselves, and why?
The Paris Commune (337) The Paris Commune dominated the political scene of Paris before the formation of the ___________ ____________. Led by minister of justice, _______________, this Paris Commune was made up of ___________ who sought revenge on those who had aided the king and resisted the popular will. Thousands of people were __________ & _____________. National Convention Georges Danton sans-culottes Sans-culotte arrested massacred
The National Convention (338) In 1792 the newly elected National Convention acted as the _______ body of France. The 1st step of the National Convention was to ________ the monarchy and set up a French _________. The motto of the 1st French Republic was: ruling abolish Republic “Liberty, Equality, & Brotherhood”
The Jacobin Club & Political Groups The National Convention was split into 2 ________ over the fate of the king. __________- feared the radical mobs and leaned toward keeping the king alive. ______________- sided with the radical Paris Commune and wanted to do away with the king. Both factions belonged to a large network of political groups in France called the _______________. factions Girondins The Mountain Jacobin Club
Jean-Paul Marat (338) A popular revolutionary leader at the beginning of the _________ stage of the French Revolution. He often worked in his bathtub because the water soothed the pain of a _______ disorder. In his journal called Friend of the People, he called for what 2 things? radical skin Mob violence The right of the poor to take by force whatever they needed from the rich.
Review Questions Who held the title of minister of justice of the Paris Commune?(p337) What were members of the Paris Commune called and why? (p335) Explain how Jean-Paul Marat died. (bottom of p338) Which faction of the Jacobin Club got their way in terms of fate of the king? Was it the Girondins or the Mountain? (p339)
French Revolution: Key Terms-People-Places-Events Crossword Bastille National Convention COPS Fraternity Georges Danton Jacobins Jean Paul Marat Louis XVI Marie Antoinette Mountain National Assembly Paris Commune Radical Reign of Terror Sans culottes Tennis Court Oath Tribunals
Crises in France Domestic Crises (Crises “at home”) Disputes between the _________ and the __________. Many people in France refused to accept the authority of the __________ _____________. Foreign Crisis (Crisis from outside of France) The _________ of Louis XVI had outraged the royalty of most of Europe. A _________ of countries took up arms against the Revolution. (Britain, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Prussia, & the Dutch) Girondins Mountain National Convention execution coalition
Committee of Public Safety (C.O.P.S.) To meet the domestic & foreign crises, the National Convention gave powers to a special committee of ____ called the Committee of _____________. The COPS was 1st dominated by the Paris Commune minister of justice, _________ _________, and then by _____________ ______________. The COPS had one primary purpose: to ________ the Revolution from domestic and foreign enemies. To deal with the crises at home, the COPS set in motion an effort known as the ________________. 12 Public Safety Georges Danton Maximilien Robespierre protect Reign of Terror
Maximilien Robespierre ________ French Revolutionary leader who was an advocate of __________ & _________ for all males. Robespierre thought that anyone opposed to being governed by the _____________ should be executed. Headed the _________ and set out to eliminate France of _________-______________. Radical democracy suffrage general will COPS counter revolutionaries
Reign of Terror (1793-1794) Jacobin tribunals 9 40,000 guillotine Also known as the ____________ dictatorship. Revolutionary _________ (courts) were set up to prosecute the internal enemies of new French Republic. __ times out of 10 they were found guilty. Close to _________ people were killed, 16,000 by means of the ___________. ________ and people who had opposed the _____-__________ were the most commonly killed. Most executions were held in cities that had openly rebelled against the authority of the _______________. Lyon, France – some ________ citizens were executed by guillotine or ___________ (a cluster of iron balls used to shoot victims into their graves.) Nantes, France – enemies of the revolution were executed by being sunk in __________ in the Loire River. tribunals 9 40,000 guillotine Peasants sans culottes Nat’l Convention 1,880 grapeshot barges
Republic of Virtue democratic good citizen citizeness education Robespierre said that the purpose of all this “bloodletting” in France was to establish control in France and create a new order called the Republic of Virtue, a _________ republic composed of _______ citizens. The titles “________” & “___________” replaced “mister” and “madame.” A law was passed to implement primary ___________ for all. _________ was abolished in France’s colonies. _____________ were established on goods called necessities. The National Convention pursued a policy of __________________, and began to place more emphasis on the worship of __________. democratic good citizen citizeness education Slavery Price limits dechristianization reason
Dechristianization in France Identify five things that French Revolutionaries did to dechristianize France. (341,342) Were the attempts to dechristianize France successful? Why? (342) Churches were pillaged and closed. ‘saint’ was removed from street names. Priests were encouraged to marry. Adopted a new calendar with the beginning date of Sept. 22, 1792, the birth of the Republic. Cathedral of Notre Dame was renamed. No, because most people in France were Roman Catholic.
A Nation in Arms (342) mobilization Go and fight Make cloth from lint To deal with the threat of foreign invasion, the COPS implemented a universal ___________ of the nation. What role were each of the following to play? young men- women- Children- Old men- In less than a year, The French Revolutionary gov’t raised the _________ army ever seen in Europe. (over 1 million) Prior to the French Revolution wars had been fought with ___________ soldiers. The army of the French Republic was the __________ army. mobilization Go and fight Care for soldiers, make food, clothes, tents Make cloth from lint Preach hatred for kings, unity for the Republic largest professional People’s
End of the Terror 1794 (342) foreign obsessed Robespierre guillotined By 1794, France had defeated their ________ foes. Although there was less need for the COPS, Robespierre had become ___________ with ridding France of its corrupt elements. Many deputies of the Nat’l Convention feared _____________ and gathered enough votes to condemn him. He was ____________ in July, 1794. The ___________ lost power to a more moderate group of _____________ leaders took control. The ____________________ was over in France. The power of the _________ was reduced. obsessed Robespierre guillotined Jacobins Middle-class Reign of Terror COPS
The Directory Constitution stability Council of 500 Council of Elders In 1795, a new ____________ was written to create more __________ in France. The Constitution of 1795 established the following: A legislative assembly made up of two chambers: _______________ (lower house) – their job was to initiate legislation. ________________ – (upper house) – accepted or rejected the proposed laws; 250 elders. These 750 members were chosen by __________, who had to own or rent property worth a certain amount. This limited the voters to only __________. From a list presented by the Council of 500, the Council of Elders chose 5 ___________ as the executive committee or ____________, who ruled together with the legislature. stability Council of 500 Council of Elders electors 30,000 directors Directory
Rise of Napoleon corruption royalists radicals military popular The Directory faced many problems, including __________ within the gov’t, and division between __________ who wanted to restore the monarchy and __________ who were dissatisfied with the moderate turn of the government. The Directory relied on the strength of the _______ to maintain its power. This gave a __________ and ___________ general of the French army a window of opportunity to seize power. In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte was able to successfully execute a ____________ and topple the power of the Directory. corruption royalists radicals military successful popular coup d’etat