FIRST Kickoff Seminar Team 1403 January 4, 2014
Represents the spirit of FIRST. It honors the team that, in the judges’ estimation, best represents a model for other teams to emulate. It embodies the goals and mission of FIRST. It remains our most prestigious award.
"To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders." -Dean Kamen, Founder
“Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.”
Special emphasis on recent accomplishments this year and the preceding 2 years. All NASA Grant Teams must prepare a Chairman’s Award submission – even rookie teams that are not eligible to win the award. Woodie Flowers Candidate must be submitted at one district event/regional
Essay – 10,000 characters, including spaces and punctuation Optional 4 photos totaling no more than 1.0Mb Executive Summary DVD – 1 to 3 minutes in length, submitted to judges at Chairman’s Presentation Submit at every district/regional event Submit essay, photos and executive summary via STIMS ( Submission Deadline – 12:00 pm ET February 13, 2014
Team Story – spreading the FIRST mission Focus on current year and previous 2 years Impact FIRST has on the learning experience of the: ◦ Students ◦ School ◦ Curriculum ◦ Engineers/Mentors ◦ Community at large Explain why the team is a role model Year round commitment The experience of people working together toward a shared goal Limited to 10,000 characters, including spaces and punctuation Optional 4 photos totaling no more than 1.0Mb
Team name Sponsors Impact of the FIRST program on team participants How your team is a role model How your team impacts the community Innovative methods to spread the FIRST message Strength of your teams partnerships Communication methods and results Other matters of interest
1 to 3 minutes in length Widescreen aspect ratio (16:9) Free of copyright restrictions, including music Must be in English May not contain any obscene or suggestive language, or inappropriate content, which will result in a disqualification Provide DVD to judges at the district/regional/championship event Although it is a requirement, the DVD is not part of the judging process, unless it contains inappropriate content Teams that do not submit a DVD will not be considered eligible for the Chairman’s Award
Schedule interview time at Pit Administration Interviews are 10 minutes ◦ 5 minute presentation which includes set-up time ◦ 5 minute questions & answers led by the judges No more than 3 team members
Judges Focus: ◦ Activities over a sustained period ◦ Not just the 6 week build season ◦ Not just about the robot Besides the Chairman’s submission package the judges may also utilize the Judges Information Page (
5 minutes max, includes introductions and set-up Summarize team accomplishments What FIRST means to team members How team portrays the FIRST Mission May use video or other props ◦ Must bring equipment to present ◦ Included as part of the 5 minute presentation
Do not: Interrupt one another Appear unprepared Make up answers to questions Appear distracted, nervous or unprofessional Slouch Use inappropriate language Do: Rehearse – 5 Minute Presentation Dress appropriately Introduce yourself to judges – shake hands firmly Hand each judge your Chairman’s package ◦ Essay ◦ Executive Summary ◦ DVD (one copy only) Demonstrate ◦ Self-confidence ◦ Communication skills ◦ Leadership Smile Good eye contact Poise Posture Allude Gracious Professionalism
Prepare 3 binders with: ◦ Essay ◦ Executive summary ◦ DVD; 1 – 3 minutes in length ◦ Team history ◦ Community outreach ◦ Newspaper articles on team ◦ Accolades ◦ Letters of recognition ◦ Thank you’s ◦ Business plan
JUDGES' INFORMATION The Judges’ Information is a team overview page. It is your team’s opportunity to share valuable information and statistics with FIRST and the judges at the events. These data are very valuable for planning events and very helpful in our efforts to procure funding. FIRST may use the robot photos you submit in the Awards Ceremonies. Enter the information under the “Judges’ Information” section in TIMS. The purpose of the Judges’ Information page is to provide: ◦ a common starting point for judging each team ◦ insight for judges into team's workings ◦ History ◦ Goals ◦ Strengths ◦ Robot ◦ team data for FIRST and its archives.
FIRST ROBOTICS COMPETITION WEBSITE Visit the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) area on the where you can find answers to administrative concerns and link to other areas of support. Check deadlines and dates for the Team Information Management System (TIMS), entries, grants, registration and payments, robot shipment, and awards submissions. tent.aspx?id=454
THE TIMS - SUPPLYING INFORMATION TO FIRST The TIMS is the online system used by the Main and Alternate Contacts of the team to: 1.Create a Team Profile 2.Register for events 3.Enter Kit and Kickoff Preferences 4.Enter Judge’s Information (for awards) 5.Accept students to the team, track their electronic Consent and Release Forms, print a Team Roster, and assign students to submit for key awards and track their progress. The TIMS additionally provides options to allow teams to register themselves as a team willing to mentor others, or for a team to identify itself as a team in need of mentoring.
Main Contact Responsibilities The Main Contact is the primary contact who provides team information to FIRST and undertakes key actions on behalf of the team via the TIMS. It is recommended this role is filled by the lead mentor of the team. This person may choose to delegate some of the responsibilities listed below, but should still be up to date with their progress and ensure their completion. This position must be held by one over the age of 18. Award Submissions: Assign student submitters in TIMS. Ensure submissions of Woodie Flowers, Website, Chairman’s, and other Awards by the respective deadlines. Find details in the “Awards” section of the FRC Manual. Review =440