Sri Nityananda Swamy Educational Trust - Jigani Site Visit Dec Radhakrishna G Iyer
Background Sri Nityanandaswamy Education trust is rural school located in a village called Jigani ~15 Kms away from Bangalore outskirts. Teach classes from 1 st -12 th and have a strength of ~1200 students all together. Asha Austin supports the educational needs of 80 students. Mainly consisiting of books,uniforms and tution. We have the funds approved for year ready and are waiting for their FCRA clearance. The school had applied for FCRA clearance in Sept.
FCRA Update The school’s FCRA clearance application got sent back as they had missed out a field in the application. (Got a copy of the application). They have re-applied and are waiting to hear back.
Teaching Through TV/Video One of the industries has donated a TV and a DVD player. They use it to educate students on simple science subjects. We can provide them with DVD’s which we think may be usefull.
Computer Room They have about computer rooms. Pretty old computers and did not have desks and chairs. Have Windows 98 installed. We can arrange to send some good computers/desks. Set them up nicely and provide them with training DVD’s and manuals.
Computer Projects A poster in their computer room listing the projects of the students and their respective grades.
Old school building.. Is in very bad shape. Classes are still taught in the building. Leaks during rains, infrastructure is bad.
Old School Building contd.
Old School Buidling Contd..
New School Building
Special Classes For 10 th Grade in New Building.
Students From 10 th Grade taking a test:
Restrooms Recently completed the construction of restrooms for boys and girls.
Construction Of New Classrooms With a couple of key donations they have started constructing 4 new classrooms. Its in progress and will be used to support the existing students.
Infrastucture Desires Construct 8 more classrooms as soon as possible to support higher education. (Bsc They have applied for govt approval) Breakdown the old classrooms and construct new classrooms like the existing 18 classrooms. Need to improve on some basic infrastructure such as desks and tables.
Discussions: Sport and Extra Curricular. Employment: Whats the main kind of emloyment. Rift between industries and locals. Help them after education. Their Needs and plans.
What are Our Goals? Continue to help the organization in bringing better quality of education and access to higher education to the students in Jigani village. Empower the organization to help students towards planning their career.