Transportation Melissa Bell Tammy Church Melinda Yates ED 417
Transportation Unit: Social Studies Grade Level: Kindergarten Lesson: Transportation
Transportation Objectives: –The students will: 1.) Identify and name at least six different types of transportation. 2.) Sort and classify different kinds of transportation according to similar and/or different characteristics. 3.) Identify the purpose of different types of transportation.
Transportation Materials needed: -Plastic models of different types of transportation. -Boxes for box construction of vehicles. -Magazines for cutting out of pictures of different types of transportation.
Transportation Materials Needed Continued: –Art supplies for making a driver’s license: tag board, clear contact paper, photo of child, scale, and meter stick. –A collection of library books relating to different forms of transportation. –Action poems
Student Activities: Plastic Models The students will get into groups of 3-5 to observe and discuss the different uses of their particular plastic model. A representative from each group will share the different uses they have come up with.
Student Activities: Box Construction After a brief discussion of the different body parts of a vehicle, the students will get into groups of 3-5 and construct vehicles out of the supplied cardboard boxes.
Student Activities: Magazine Collage The students will look through old magazines and cut out examples of transportation. Then the students will construct a class transportation collage labeling and identifying each form of transportation.
Student Activities: Driver’s License The students will have their picture taken with a Polaroid camera, and have their height and weight measured. The students will then create their own driver’s license using the provided materials.
Student Activities: Library Books The students will be encouraged to bring in models of and books about different transportation.
Student Activities: Action Poems The students will develop their own rhyming action poem about a form of transportation. They will each receive the opportunity to share their poems with the other students.
On-Line Student Activities es/transportation.shtmlhttp:// es/transportation.shtml
Teacher Resources s/vehicleshttp:// s/vehicles
Teacher Resources
Teacher Resources
Teacher Resource tion2.htmlhttp:// tion2.html
On-Line Student Activities truck.comhttp://
On-Line Student Activities cles/paintonline.shtmlhttp:// cles/paintonline.shtml
On-Line Student Activities bus/home.htm bus/home.htm
On-Line Student Activities ndar/wheelshttp:// ndar/wheels