Intrusion Tolerant Systems Principal Investigators’ Meeting Aspen, Colorado February 2000 Dr. Jaynarayan Lala DARPA Program Manager
Events Since Phoenix ITS Workshop - Colonial Williamsburg VA ITS BAA00-15 –CBD Announcement - November 12, 1999 –Proposals Due - January 10, 2000 (36 Proposals received) –Proposal Selection Review Board - February 9 –Source Selection Approved - February 18 –Notification letters in mail by February 23 (twelve new projects selected) IA&S Roadmap Briefing for DIRO - February 14
PI Organization Site Visits Purpose –Gain familiarity with PI’s organization, meet the team –Strengthen PM/PI relationship –One-on-one conversation with PI and team –Dedicated time to discuss ideas, progress, plans and problems Intent - Conduct visit to each project site once a year Reminder - Monthly/Quarterly Project Status Reports
Completed Site Visits ORA - 2 December 1999 –PI - David Rosenthal Cornell University - 2 December 1999 –PI - Fred Schneider RST, Inc - 16 December 1999 –PI - Anup Ghosh InCert Software, Inc - 11 January 2000 –PI - Anant Agarwal
ITS Information Web Sites –Program description (goals, background, scope, technical approach and challenges) –ITS Organization Chart –ITS Overview Briefing –Annually updated project summaries (8 approved for public release thus far) Quad Charts Link to more information, also project summaries/quad charts, on Schafer Corporation maintained site
Vision Video DARPA’s vision of capabilities needed in IA&S in a 20 year time frame –Describes “what,” not “how” Production copies available Plan for each PI to receive a VHS copy and a DVD format copy Not approved for general public release, but can be shown within organization Will be shown later in the meeting