Welcome to INTEGRATED ARTS ~ Music and Movement ~ in the Arts Studio with Mr. Adam Mason
Highlights of the Kindergarten Year in Integrated Arts beginning to develop our singing voices beginning to develop our singing voices drama and dance activities that focus on the theme of ‘travelling’ (ie. to other countries, to space, etc.) drama and dance activities that focus on the theme of ‘travelling’ (ie. to other countries, to space, etc.) songs and dances that explore the seasons and special celebrations songs and dances that explore the seasons and special celebrations learning songs and dances from different parts of the world learning songs and dances from different parts of the world using instruments to add sound effects to a storybook using instruments to add sound effects to a storybook
Highlights of the Gr. 1 Year in Integrated Arts creating dances to accompany poems and stories creating dances to accompany poems and stories “A Day in Our Lives” dance project “A Day in Our Lives” dance project exploring percussion instruments exploring percussion instruments Learning songs and dances from different countries and times Learning songs and dances from different countries and times composing a piece of music to accompany the story Where the Wild Things Are composing a piece of music to accompany the story Where the Wild Things Are
Highlights of the Gr. 2 and Gr. 3 Year in Integrated Arts learning songs and dances from different times and places to answer the question, “Why do people make music and dance?” learning songs and dances from different times and places to answer the question, “Why do people make music and dance?” ‘The Arts Around Our Community’ dance project ‘The Arts Around Our Community’ dance project learning about all different kinds of instruments learning about all different kinds of instruments learning how to read musical notation learning how to read musical notation composing our own musical pieces on the theme of ‘weather’. composing our own musical pieces on the theme of ‘weather’.
Highlights of the Year for Gr. 4, Gr. 4/5 and Gr. 5 classes in Integrated Arts learning how to improvise on the xylophones learning how to improvise on the xylophones completing the ‘Beethoven Remixed’ dance project completing the ‘Beethoven Remixed’ dance project comparing and contrasting songs from Canada’s past and present comparing and contrasting songs from Canada’s past and present writing and performing original rhythms with musical notes writing and performing original rhythms with musical notes using dance to tell a story using dance to tell a story
Highlights of the Year for Gr. 5/6 and Gr. 6 classes in Integrated Arts learning about Jazz music and how to dance to it! learning about Jazz music and how to dance to it! exploring Bollywood music and creating a Bollywood inspired dance routine exploring Bollywood music and creating a Bollywood inspired dance routine learning about, and comparing, popular culture across times and places learning about, and comparing, popular culture across times and places learning how to read music on a staff learning how to read music on a staff composing a complimentary melody for “Pachelbel’s Canon” composing a complimentary melody for “Pachelbel’s Canon” translating a piece of poetry into dance translating a piece of poetry into dance
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Mason through the school office (416) Wondering what’s going on in Integrated Arts class? Check out the Integrated Arts Page on the Adam Beck Website for Mr. Mason’s regular updates!