Year 7 The Basics Students learn the elements of music through listening and performing. Graphic score notation is introduced. The Voice This scheme of work includes a lot of group work and the final assessment is in the form of a performance. Group work is key as is a sense of fun! Beat boxing and harmonisation are used as well as singing. The Orchestra The orchestra is taught through a mixture of listening, performing and composing. Students write their own rhythms using staff notation and perform on the keyboards in pairs. African Music Composition and team work is a main element of this scheme of work. Students perform in groups in a west African style using call and response and singing. The Blues Structure is a key feature of the Blues and this is where we begin in this scheme of work. Students work on composing using keyboards and this is the main area of assessment. The Ukulele Students start to learn to play the ukulele. Group work is vital in this scheme of work and performances are the main form of assessment.
Year 8 Music for Radio & TV Students, in groups, create short clips in order for an entire class radio production/podcast to be produced. Keyboards are used as well as percussion instruments. Club Dance & Keyboards This scheme of work consists of mainly keyboard and staff notation skills. Students learn to play club dance music through performing well known songs on the keyboards. The Orchestra 2 Students recap their prior knowledge of the orchestra in this scheme of work. Composition is the main skill we focus on with students writing music for a film, advert or musical using keyboards. Rap and Rhythm This scheme of work focuses on the use of rhythm in music. Rap is used as an example and students write their own raps. Performances as well as the compositions are used as assessments. Musicals Students have an entire term to create their own musical. Each class will have a performance filmed which in turn will be played to the year group. Composing melodies to backing tracks is a main focus as well as lyric and storyline writing.
Year 9 Music for Adverts Students work in groups to create a product and then an advert for it. Creativity is key to this scheme of work as well as a sense of fun! Music for Film Students get to grips with clichés in films and can then exploit these in composing music for film clips. Group work and knowledge of composing techniques are vital in this scheme of work. Band Project This project is spread over an entire term in order to get the best from the students. Groups are ‘bands’ and cover a song of their choice. They then perform, record and market their song and band. Assessment is in the form of an “interview” with a “record producer”. Fusions Another group work orientated scheme of work. Students learn a few key features from different genres of music from both Western music and other cultures. They then use a mixture of styles to cover a song in a new fusion. Assessment is in the form of a performance to the rest of the class.