© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae Introduction to Computer Program Design COMP T2. Xiaoying Sharon Gao Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:2 COMP 102 Menu: What is COMP102 about? Where does COMP102 fit in your degree? Course organisation What to do NOW! Administrivia: Handouts: Course Outline Slides
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:3 Computers are everywhere Computer based systems are everywhere user application programs – browsers, photo editors, chat programs,… computer games Information systems in commerce and business Specialised applications – analysing gene data, X-rays, simulations controllers for device – cars, washing machines, TVs, DVD player, etc operating systems that run computers, cell phones, etc. network communication: internet connections, phone exchanges, fibre optics, cell phone systems, etc All these systems require software to make the computer hardware do what is needed. ⇒ Software underlies almost all aspects of modern life
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:4 COMP102 is about Programming Programming is about designing, building, testing, modifying software. Software = instructions to make the hardware run. Programming is giving instructions to a computer – very precise, can be very complex Requires a different way of thinking from most disciplines
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:5 Goals of COMP102 By the end of COMP102 you will be able to understand, design, and construct small computer programs (in Java). ⇒ be able to use computers to solve new problems ⇒ be able to think in a new way about problems Note: We don’t assume you have done any programming. COMP102 starts from the beginning Example programs: screensaver diagram editor photo manipulator little game
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:6 What does COMP102 cover? Focus of the course: Object Oriented programming and design. Programming with the Java programming language. Java is widely use programming language Clean enough for learning to program Easier to use for larger programs Useful for real programming Practical programming, writing small programs. Testing and debugging. Principles of good design.
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:7 Where does COMP102 lead? COMP 102 is a core course for: BE (SWEN):Software Engineering, BE (NWEN): Network Engineering, BE (ECEN): Electronic & Computer Engineering, COMP major in the BSc (or 2nd major in BA) ELCO major in the BSc (or 2nd major in BA) COMP minor in the BDI Also required for BSc (OPRE) Useful course for many other disciplines (eg INFO)
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:8 COMP102 in context Computer Science Software Engineering Network Engineering Electronic & Computer Engineering Understanding Computation Building Software Systems Building Hardware Systems COMP 102
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:9 Planning your programme You can’t do COMP102 at the same time as COMP103 Some students were enrolled this way by mistake! If you are doing BE or BSc (COMP) then you should do COMP103 next year in T2 (unless we let you straight into COMP 103 this trimester) If you are doing COMP You should also plan on doing MATH161 in Tri 2.
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:10 Is COMP102 For You? Required course for Computer Science, Engineering Useful course for anyone who wants to be able to program. Not about using computers and applications software. Not an “easy credits” course for most people Involves higher level thinking skills than many students expect Key factors for success are logical/abstract thinking, being able to think about your own thinking processes problem solving, not memory attention to detail not getting behind Takes time! plan on around 10 hours / week Practical work is critical
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:11 Wide range of Backgrounds We assume you have used a computer We do NOT assume you have done any programming But some students have! good – it is definitely helpful if you have done lots of programming, the course should be easy It may be that you can take COMP103 this trimester instead! See Dr Marcus Frean after the lecture. We try to meet the needs of the full range of students Lectures are focussed on those who have no programming Assignments have graduated components. If you are repeating the course: Do the whole of the assignments, without looking at previous solutions The course will be similar, but there will be changes.
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:12 Course Organisation All the details are in the course outline: handout on the course web page: Lectures Present basic ideas, techniques, examples. Mon, Tues, Thurs, 4:10-5:00pm, HM LT105 About 30 lectures Other lecture slots used for tests, reviews, extension material, etc. Optional Tutorial Tuesday 12:00-12:50, VZ103, Run by Siva, answer questions start in week 2
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:13 Course Web Site An essential resource for the course: Course information, announcements, handouts, videos Lab Assignment details (times, dates, handouts, files,...) Forum, for questions and discussion Info about doing work at home. Java documentation Other useful links Primary administrative communication channel.
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:14 People Lecturer/Organiser (Academic/content issues) Xiaoying Gao– “Sharon”Office: CO 229 Senior Tutor (Administrative issues, esp labs) Zarinah AminOffice: CO 343 Tutors (Help in labs or via online help system) Siva Dorairaj Range of Undergraduates and Graduates Technical Staff (Reporting problems with the computers) School Office (Forgotten passwords) Kelsey, Kelly and Prema School Office: CO 358
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:15 Lab assignments Ten lab assignments (roughly weekly), hand out:Tuesday Lecture due:10am Wednesday (a week later) (except #5 & #10) Apply material from lectures and text book to practical programming problems. This is where your learning happens! Done partly in scheduled lab sessions Further work required: expect 5 hours outside labs any of the ECS labs on your home computer
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:16 Scheduled Labs Two Labs, in CO 242 Lab B Mon 12-1, 2-3, 5-6 Tue 9-10, 10-11, 1-2 Lab A Wed 2-3, 4-5 Thur 10-11, 1-2 Fri 1-2, 3-4 Sign up online Tutors present to help. Start THIS week (from Wednesday) First assignment is short, and should not require additional work outside the lab session.
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:17 Course Organisation Help Desk forum. Online help: link on our Web page Study groups We will facilitate organising study groups and tutored help sessions Our school has Equity Help now! some sessions organised via the faculty Equity help programme Excellent way of helping your learning Science and Engineering Faculty Awhina programme: support for Maori and Pacific Nations students
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:18 Text Book and Handouts Text Book Java Foundations Lewis, DePasquale, Chase [also OK: Java Software Solutions (5th ed) Lewis and Loftus] Same as for COMP103. We consider it an important resource. The lectures complement the text, not replace it. Lectures will not cover all the details you need! But nor will the textbook! Handouts Course outline, Lecture slides, Assignments Handed out in class. On COMP102 web page.
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:19 Tests and Exams Terms Test 1: 15% Thursday 8 Aug In lecture time Terms Test 2: 15% Thursday 19 September, In lecture time Exam: 50% Date tba
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:20 Assessment Read the Course Outline!!! Mandatory Course Requirement: Submit reasonable attempts for at least 8 of assignments Final Grade: Lab assignments: 20% (labs 2 -10) Terms Test 1:15%(mark boosted to exam mark, if better) Terms Test 2: 15% (mark boosted to exam mark, if better) Exam: 50% To pass the course, you must: Satisfy the Mandatory Requirement. Get overall grade of C or better.
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae Withdrawal dates Early withdrawal with refund: by Fri 26 July no consequences to early withdrawal Standard withdrawal without refund: 27 July – 27 Sept Withdrawal recorded No grade on transcript Withdrawal counts as a fail for determining "Satisfactory Academic Progress" Late withdrawal with Dean's permission: after 28 Sept Requires permission of Associate Dean Normally given only when special circumstances arise after 28 Sept. COMP 102 1:21
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:22 Plagiarism (Cheating) You must not present anybody else’s work as if it were your own work: Basic principle of academic honesty. applies to work by other students, friends, relatives, the web, books… If you received substantial help, then you must state who helped and how much. If you declare any work from someone else, then it isn’t plagiarism!!! In COMP102: You can work in pairs on the core parts of assignments BUT You must put a comment at the top of your code saying that you worked with …. If you use code from the assigned text book, or from the lectures, then you do not need to declare it; If you use any other code, then declare it!
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:23 Cheating in the assignments. Assignments are primarily for learning, not assessing Cheating in the assignments is not worth it! Do not copy from model solutions You won't learn, so you will probably fail. If caught, you'll lose marks --- or worse. Assignments have a small contribution to your grade.
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:24 Lab Facilities All scheduled labs are in CO242 Can also use other ECS labs. CO243 is always available at lab times. Can also use home computers. Lab Hours: 24/7 Need ID card to access in evenings and weekends The labs are for getting work done Don’t prevent other people from working If you want to play around, go somewhere else Read the lab rules!
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:25 Where to go for Help Depends on the kind of help needed Staff: Sharon, Zarinah Forum Questions, answers, comments, discussion. On COMP102 Web page. ECS School Office: CO358 Student Services: Science/Engineering/Arch&Des Awhina programme The Web
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:26 What to do NOW! Sign up for the labs Note: You need to be registered for the course (a) to sign up for two labs (b) to be able to use the school computers Read the course outline. Get Text Book (Book Shop). Read Chapter 1. Read Assignment 1 before your lab session. Read the course outline. Yes, again!
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:27
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:28 Effective Learning You Lectures Text Book Lab Assignments Other Students Tutorials Web Resources
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:29 Lectures vs Textbook Lectures Interactive Multiple media Real time Good for Overview Motivation Problem solving methods Understanding Illustration Textbook One way Visual only Static Re-readable Carefully checked and edited Good for Detailed explanations Lists of facts and rules Careful definitions Large examples
© Xiaoying Gao, Peter Andreae COMP 102 1:30 Learning from Lectures Lectures are important! Copies of slides will be available at lecture and on Web. Use as a basis for your notes. We hope to video record the lectures so you can review them. Read the relevant parts of the text book preferably before the lecture Don't be afraid to ask questions. to clarify to slow the lecturer down if you don't understand a phrase or word All questions are good questions! Be considerate of other students! Don't come to the lecture if you don't want to listen! If you can't hear, do something about it!