facebook Joan Baez is about to perform in Japan! WallPhotosFlairBoxesJoan BaezLogout View photos of Joan Baez (5) Send Joan Baez a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Boston, Mass. Birthday: January 9, 1941 Political: Democrat Religion: Christian Hometown: Boston, Mass. Friends Bob DylanCarlosJimi JudyJoni Joan Baez is about to perform in Japan! February 17, 1967 Martin Joan Baez is about to perform at the March on Washington with Bob Dylan after Martin Luther King Jr. gives his speech. August 3, 1963 Bob Dylan to Joan Baez Thanks for introducing me to the crowd today, it was amazing to perform with you in front of all those people. March 25, 1962 Joan Baez recorded my first studio album, it’s self-titled and made for the Vanguard! November 4,1960 Joan Baez is about to perform at the Newport Folk Festival, wish me luck! February 5, 1959 Joan Baez is moving from Palo Alto to Boston with mom, dad, Pauline, and Mimi. June 18, 1958
Personal Information facebook Joan Baez is about to perform in Japan! WallPhotosFlairBoxesJoan BaezLogout View photos of Joan Baez (5) Send Joan Baez a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Boston, Mass. Birthday: January 9, 1941 Political: Democrat Religion: Christian Hometown: Boston, Mass. Photos Networks: Boston, Massachusetts Sex: Female Birthday: January 9, 1941 Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts Relationship Status: Single Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: Christian Activities: Performing music Interests: Singing, guitar, and writing music Favorite Music: Pete Seeger and blues artists Favorite Movies: Cleopatra, Doctor Zhivago, The Pink Panther, and Breakfast At Tiffany’s Favorite TV Shows: The Beverly Hillbillies, Here’s Lucy, Lost In Space, and The Saint Favorite Books: Ourselves To Know, The Leopard, The Listener, and Sermons and Soda-Water With Bob Dylan Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Performing and Etc. Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 6661 Columbia Road, Boston Phone Number: (666)
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJoan BaezLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Joan Baez 7 Photos Joan Baez’s Albums 2 Photo Albums With Bob Dylan 5 photos Performing and Etc. 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Joan Baez is about to perform in Japan!