AMERICAN HERITAGE Section 001: The Constitution Section 002: American History through Literature
GLOBAL & CULTURAL AWARENESS GERM 330: Honors Cultural History of Germany
ADVANCED WRITTEN & ORAL COMMUNICATION ENGL Writing Fellows ENGL 312H-012 Persuasive Writing GERM Writing Abt Literature HONRS 300R-001 Writing about Religion HONRS 300R-002 Writing about the Law HONRS 300R-003 Writing the Honors Thesis HONRS 300R-005 Travel Writing MCOM Comm in Organizational Settings PHIL 300H-001 Philosophical Writing
LANGUAGES OF LEARNING LANGUAGE GERM 330: Cultural History of Germany MATHEMATICS HONRS 250: Networks, Crowds, and Markets MATH 112: Honors Calculus 1 MATH 113: Honors Calculus 2 STAT 121: Honors Principles of Statistics
CIVILIZATION 1 CL CV 201: Honors Classical Tradition 1 CMLIT 201: Honors Civilization: Literature 1 ENGL 201: Honors Masterpieces of World Literature 1 ENGL 211: Honors: Rhetoric & Civilization 1 HIST 201: Honors World Civilization to 1500 HONRS 201: Biblical & Classical Roots of Western Civ HONRS 201: Ancient and Medieval Manuscripts HONRS 201: Technology HONRS 201: Rhetoric in Western Civilization HONRS 201: Innovation & Ideal in Western Cities HONRS 201: The Pen and the Sword MUSIC 201: Honors Civilization: Music 1 PHIL 201: Honors History of Philosophy 1
CIVILIZATION 2 HONRS 202: Western Civilization in the Arts HONRS 212: The Turning Point MUSIC 202: Western Civilization: Music 2
ARTS HONRS 202: Western Civilization in the Arts HONRS 306R: Women in Art: 1760-Present HONRS 306R: Great Films MUSIC 202: Honors Civilization: Music 2
LETTERS CL CV 241: Honors Greek & Roman Mythology GERM 343: Introduction to Literary Analysis HONRS 212: The Turning Point HONRS 203R: Old Testament Roots of the Book of Mormon HONRS 303R: Dante HONRS 303R: Environmental Humanities HONRS 303R: Dostoevsky in Translation HONRS 303R: Studies in Popular Culture HONRS 303R: The Book of Mormon as Sacred Literature HONRS 303R: Scripture as Literature HONRS 303R: C. S. Lewis IHUM 261: American Humanities: Colonial-1876
SCIENCES BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE BIO 100: Principles of Biology HONRS 260: Wildlife Science PHYSICAL SCIENCE CHEM 111: Principles of Chemistry GEOL 101: Intro to Geology HONRS 259: Physical Science Principles and Reasoning SOCIAL SCIENCE HONRS 261: Networks, Crowds, and Markets
RELIGION REL A 121: Honors The Book of Mormon REL A 122: Honors The Book of Mormon REL A 211: Honors The New Testament REL A 301: Honors The Old Testament REL C 325: Honors The Doctrine & Covenants REL C 341: Honors Joseph Smith & Restoration
GREAT WORKS HONRS 290R-001 The Peloponnesian War HONRS 290R-002 Women Writers of the Holocaust HONRS 290R-003 Great Works: Art
HONORS ELECTIVES HONRS 223R: Organizational Leadership and Strategy HONRS 301R: The Beginning Novel HONRS 307R: The Gospel of Mark HONRS 322R: The Historical Narrative: A Writing Workshop HONRS 394R: Education in Zion Gallery Exhibition Development HONRS 398: Writing the Honors Thesis Proposal
MISCELLANY HEB 133: Honors Hebrew: Old Testament HONRS 295R: Ethics in Nursing MATH 313: Honors Elem Linear Algebra