By: Frankie Camera
Cell phones now have all the power and technology of a computer in the palm of you’re hand There are over 10,000 health applications available to us on both android and Apple operating systems Majority of them are free to download and select ones ranging from $.99 to $4.99
Quick on the go access! Easy to use and update! Free App downloading! Helpful nutrition tips for you! Workout guides along with pictures and videos! Live tracking and updates on the go!
This free app will guide you in making the healthiest possible choice when purchasing your food! Barcode scanning feature that will give you nutritional information on daily groceries! 5 Healthier alternatives!!! Simple rating of foods based on a A-F scale to help educate you on nutritional content!!!
Day by day workout schedule for 90 days! Complete photos and videos to ensure suitable form for each exercise! Great for at home or at the gym!! Daily journal to track your workout and diet goals!
Quick and easy tracking system of what you consume throughout the day! Gives you daily caloric balances to your specific needs! Updates calorie count depending on if you worked out that day or not! Option to post results for others to view! “Loseit” (IOS/Android) price: FREE!!
Built in application on all iPhones and iPod touches for runners looking to track their distance, pace, and calories Syncs with Nike+ sensor sold for $19 and any pair of Nike+ sneakers (prices vary) Also works with Nike+ wristband ($59) For non iPhone and iPod touch users you will need the shoe sensor and chip sold together for $29
The worlds largest online running community Keep track of every run detail along with your personal bests Set and track goals or select from various training programs Push you self to the limit by competing with friends or family online Voice over function to update you along your run with current distance and pace to keep you on track Nike+ Features
Men's/Women’s Jetfit Application has great information and tips at the access. This application is filled with workout and diet tips to help track your daily routines. Also features exclusive workouts from the world’s top strength coaches, athletes, and fitness experts. This app. is available for $1.99
Great alternative for those who can not afford a personal trainer or have little gym experience!! These apps are low-cost and easy to use! More and more people are taking advantage of these health available applications!!! Extremely beneficial towards a healthier lifestyle!!!