Cloud Computing Ashley Richardson
What is Cloud Computing? Having secure access to applications and data from any network device Computational resources accessible via a computer network, rather than from a local computer Any computer that you’re on that is connected to the internet has access to your files and applications. Instead of carrying around a storage medium such as a flash drive or DVD, users can access personal files such as music, pictures, videos, book marks and even play games or preform word processing functions on a remote server Remote server- allows a user to log on to the network from a distant location
How it Works
History Underlying concept and idea for computation as a public utility dates back to the 1960s and John McCarthy Term “cloud” is a metaphor to represent the abstraction of the internet and based on the cloud drawing Was referenced in a scholarly way in 1997 that computing was evolving from a main-frame-based structure to a network-based architecture Amazon started developing the idea further with Amazon Web Service (AWS) in 2006 Exposure of cloud computing to public media was in 2006 by Google Ex CEO Eric Schmidt
Types of Cloud Computing Public Cloud Traditional, mainstream cloud computing available to everyone Offered on a self-serve basis over the internet Community Cloud Used when similar organizations seek the same infrastructure and requirements Offers more security Hybrid Cloud and Hybrid IT Delivery Offer IT services to manage the performance, security, ad privacy Useful for archiving and backup functions Combined Cloud Some is information is private and only accessible to certain people within the company Some is available to the public
Pros to Cloud Computing Cost- software and computing capabilities are publicly available Don’t have to worry about which computer has your files if you use multiple computers Device and location independence- allows users to access their information anywhere with internet access. Maintenance- no installation or upgrades Storage- it stored virtually and archived
Cons to Cloud Computing Privacy- companies hosting the cloud service can monitor your information Compliance- coining the term and using it as a trademark Data Usage- has to be downloaded each time for use onto that computer Criticism of the term- too unspecific and misleading CEO of Oracle Corporation Larry Ellison “cloud computing is everything that we already do” Marketing scheme, marketing hype campaign
Uses in Education Allows students to access information from anywhere, not just school Reduces costs for schools and students when purchasing educational software Great way to backup files Less dependence on IT for software updates and installation Possibilities are endless
Sources ome&ie=UTF- 8&q=define%3A+remote+server#hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS435US435&q= Remote+server&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=QULwTYvSC5Khtwf5_9WLAw& ved=0CFwQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9589d0f2bb20ed2d&biw=794& bih=764 ome&ie=UTF- 8&q=define%3A+remote+server#hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS435US435&q= Remote+server&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=QULwTYvSC5Khtwf5_9WLAw& ved=0CFwQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9589d0f2bb20ed2d&biw=794& bih=