Commonwealth IT Consolidation Working Group Discussion Document Executive Office for Administration and Finance: Secretariat-Level Application Consolidation ANF Application Consolidation Work Group Date 09/30/2009
- 1 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Agenda ANF Application Consolidation Work Group Report 1 Secretariat Application Consolidation Candidates Application Work Group EOANF Agency Application Inventory Findings and Recommendations 2 High-priority Program Issues and Risks 3 Immediate Action Items
- 2 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Application Consolidation Work Group Cross-Agency team formed to review feasibility of ANF agency application consolidation Team members: Advisors –Marcie Desmond, SCIO –Alan Nawoj, Deloitte Consulting –Brian Hickey (HRD) Working Members –Nancy Burke, Project Lead (OSD) –Craig DiGiorgi (DCP) –Chuck Meredith (HRD) –Neil Montague (ANF) –Vincent Piccinni (DOR) –Valerie Valliant (ANF) Project goals and objectives: –Gather and review ANF Agency Application Inventory information –Review Phase 1 Secretariat IT Consolidation Plan for list of suggested secretariat-level application candidates –Develop criteria to gauge feasibility of agency applications as secretariat-level applications –Review application inventory and recommend Secretariat-level application candidates –Identify common software across agencies that could generate savings through license aggregation or sharing –Establish a Center of Excellence and define the Governance model Short-term Goals by September 30, 2009 –Assemble an inventory listing of ANF agency applications –Review inventory for potential Secretariat-level consolidation –Finalize criteria and produce a listing of potential consolidation candidates IT Consolidation WIKI will be used for transparency on team activities as data security levels allow
- 3 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Work Group Activities Reviewed and leveraged the application inventory collected by the Data Center Consolidation Work group (DCCWG) Created a combined listing of all ANF agency applications reported Assessed remaining applications on 2 levels – (1) business application and (2) underlying application platform –Removed agency-only applications with neither a business nor underlying application benefit for consolidation Grouped application candidates into functional business categories: –Administration and Finance –Training and Outreach (includes Marketing) –Supply Chain –IT Development and Support –Other Confirmed ANF Application Consolidation Criteria: –Redundant functional duplication across Secretariats and associated maintenance costs –Ability to leverage scales of economy across the Secretariat –Application age –Business value of sharing information –Augmentation of information security
- 4 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Application Work Group Findings Agencies within the Executive Office for Administration and Finance (ANF) reported 153 applications Number of agency applications identified by work group as potential candidates for Secretariat Consolidation : 87 Number of agency applications by business function: –Functional category 1 ( Administration and Finance ) : 38 –Functional category 2 ( Training and Outreach (includes Marketing) ) : 9 –Functional category 3 ( Supply Chain ) : 3 –Functional category 4 ( IT Development and Support ) : 23 –Functional category 5 (other) : 14 Application Work Group identified 30 application types as potential candidates for Secretariat-level consolidation These categories have the most potential for cost savings or added efficiency through consolidation Team conclusions: More in depth analysis of application candidates is needed Opportunity for cost savings on COTS software requires review of license terms and opportunity data –May be able to leverage data already collected by procurement efficiencies team
- 5 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY High-Priority Program Issues and Risks Type (dependency, issue, or risk) TitlePriorityDetailsAction NeededOwner DependencySecretariat- Level Staffing Success of consolidating recommended applications depends on the secretariat having appropriate staffing levels for development, maintenance and support Define center of excellence (COE) and Governance Model Define roles and responsibilities Develop staffing plan with ANF SCIO Application Work group and SCIO DependencyStaff Skill Sets Agency skill-sets for consolidated staff need to be representative of the various underlying application architectures. Review underlying application architectures Perform gap analysis between current staff skill sets and skill sets needed Develop and Implement knowledge transfer, training and mentoring Talent Management and HR / Labor Administration Committee. Application Work group and Talent Management and HR / Labor Administration RiskDual Agency IT Responsibili ty of staff Agency development and application support staff are responsible for other IT core functions, not related to application development. Assess roles, responsibilities and skill sets of agency IT staff Review timeline for desktop, LAN, HelpDesk and Data center Consolidation Determine optimum placement of staff based Application Work group Talent Management and HR / Labor Administration, HelpDesk, Desktop and LAN and DCCWG Teams
- 6 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Immediate Action Items Action ItemOwnerPriorityDue Date Define Center of ExcellenceSCIO and Application Work Group 1October 31, 2009 Define Roles and Responsibilities of COE and Agency IT staff SCIO and Application Work Group 2November 15, 2009 Identify skill sets requiredApplication Work Group 3November 30, 2009 Assess current skill level of agency staff and skill set gapsApplication Work group and Talent Management and HR / Labor Administration 4December 31, 2009 Review data collected by the Procurement Efficiencies Team on agency Microsoft licenses Application Work Group 5 December 31, 2009