Pupil Inspection
SPRING BROOK SCHOOL Data collection sheet Pupil inspection 2010 Year of pupil interviewed: ___________ Interview carried out by: ___________ Year:____
Spring Brook School Pupil Inspection 2010 Lead Inspector- Anton Golden Inspection team – Bethany Barry, Daniel Atkinson, Taylor Curtis.
Inspection process Inspector briefing – inspectors were shown how to carry out pupil interviews. pupil interviews – each member of the inspection team interviewed one class worth of children through two questionnaires Lesson observations – music – four sessions observed one in each class. After half term – science observations Data analysis – in two teams the inspector looked at the data and created graphs.
The data from this question shows us that the types of activities children preferred to do were mostly practical like making things and painting. We were surprised to see that a similar number of children liked writing stories the best.
Another thing that surprised us was that more people preferred maths than outdoor ed and science. We will talk to the teachers about the subjects that people didn’t put as their favourites and start to think about why they might mot like them as much.
The previous slides show that only 3 people had writing/literacy as their favourite subject. This pie chart shows that 10 children (48%) have writing as their least favourite activity. We want to talk with the teachers about how they can make writing/literacy more fun.
Overall children were very happy at school and pleased with what was being done to help them. In particular we were pleased to see that all children got chance to learn in places other than school and all children knew that they were making good progress. 100% of pupils said that something is done about bullying straight away. 80% of pupils knew the behaviour expectations. We were disappointed to see that only 10% of children knew their literacy and numeracy targets and only 30% knew the levels in which they were working. As an inspection team we expect more teachers having 1:1 conversations with pupils about their targets and the levels at which they are working.
We observed a music lesson in each class. In all lessons children: Knew the learning objective Were ready to learn Were well behaved Worked independently Worked together Used laptops Were busy for the whole lesson Enjoyed their learning Were able to talk about their learning. The Chief Inspector was particularly pleased to see that all children knew how to put their hands up and not shout out.