The National Business Coalition on Health Community Health Partnerships Population Health Seed Grant Application Expectations February 26, 2010
Introductions Suzanne Mercure The NBCH / CCHI CHP Cooperative Agreement Dennis White, NBCH – Why employers care about population health Liza Greenberg Emma Green, NACCHO
Today’s Purpose Discuss purpose and Framework of the CHP Population Health Seed Grant program Discuss eligible applicants and projects Discuss application and selection process Discuss management plan
Program Funders Funding approved by Merck, Sanofi and UnitedHealthFoundation Applications pending with additional corporate sponsors and foundations CDC cooperative agreement to support program administration and technical assistance
What are the CHP Seed Grants? Coalition lead Population health related Measurable Partnerships with governmental public health Funding up to $40k Up to 1 year project Technical assistance and evaluation assistance available
Eligibility NBCH member coalition Partnership with governmental public health Employer involvement CHP – relevant project Geographic / Coalition diversity Participation in TA and affinity activities
Projects Respiratory Diabetes Any public health indicator in
Examples of community indicators Prevalence of smoking Prevalence of binge drinking Prevalence of obesity Infectious disease Immunization coverage Air pollution
Management Process CCHI lead and overseen Contracts issued to coalitions Report to CHP Advisory Committee CCHI (CDC) technical assistance and evaluation support Funding is milestone based Progress reporting and final report required
Selection Process Independent review committee Coalition, academic, public health Conflict of interest will be addressed Technical assistance may be offered prior to consideration
Expectations – Coalition Capability Factors Experience Staffing plan Working relationships with public health Employer-member support Letters of support (member and public health)
Expectations - Rationale What is the need in your community? What is the population to be impacted? Why did you propose what you proposed (evidence of need)? The data you use to show need should also be referenced as an evaluation data source Cite data sources: hint – use
Examples Suzanne
Expectations – Project Description Goals, objectives Detailed tasks - BE SPECIFIC Deliverables – meetings, written materials, ads, etc Timeframe Double check that budget reflects costs for each task
Expectations – Outcomes and Evaluation Local evaluation plan Process metrics and public health metrics National indicators (may be longer term) sustainability
Expectations – Budget and Staffing Reasonable budget up to $40 k (less is fine too) Budget linked to tasks and deliverables Reasonable staffing plan 1 year or less project In kind or matching is preferred but not required
Timeline Applications Due March 30, 2010 Selection completed April 30, 2010 and applicants notified May 1-May 30 – contracting with coalitions June 1, One year projects begin Quarterly brief reporting May 31, projects completed Post grant - NBCH / CCHI evaluation and follow up
Miscellaneous Additional projects may be solicited and funded as additional dollars are identified Unclear applications may be deferred for future funding cycle Applicants who cannot carry out the project as proposed will be asked to return funds
Contact: Liza Greenberg, RN, MPH Cell: